Here is another update about little g for those of you keeping score from home.
Due to CP his muscles are weak and floppy and to this point it has been very difficult if not impossible for him to become potty trained. He really tries to go but makes comments like "it doesn't work" or "I can't feel it". Little g has a procedure scheduled the end of May to try and figure out what is going on. He is frustrated.
Since birth little g has hit certain milestones but with much delay. (Holding his head up, sitting up, crawling, walking etc) He has mentioned to me numerous times that he will be potty trained by the time he turns 5. One thing that really amazes me with this kid is his determination and never give up attitude. In the past when he has hit a milestone it is usually as quick as turning on a light switch. One moment he cannot do something and the next moment he can.
So.......since last Saturday little g has not wet his diaper once! Little g will be 5 years old next Friday.