Another fun tidbit from my time away:
I had an ingrown toenail, and didn't bother to do anything about it. My toe swelled up to about twice the size it should have been and it hurt so much I could barely walk. Christmas eve I gave it a good squeeze and got about a half a shot of puss out if it. After my family saw it on Christmas they were going to make me go to the doctor, because I still couldn't walk and by this time it smelled like it was rotting. Christmas night I used a jack knife, tweezers and nail clipper to cut out my toenail, it felt instantly better. By the next morning the swelling was gone and it didn't hurt anymore, but it still was full of puss and smelled like a roadkill until about Sunday. Also, all of the skin on my toe must have died, because it all peeled off. It was pretty nasty, but I didn't have to go to the doctor!
Luckily I didn't run into a chick with a foot fetish in Vegas.
edit: and by Sunday, I mean 2 days ago, not the day after Christmas