Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 115: What sports do you watch in the off-season?
Guinnesss cake turned out delicious. German Park was also fun. I'm getting sick of tornado warnings.
Found someone to watch my dog. She and their Golden will have lots of fun. Now, in true procrastinator form, I am having trouble locating places to stay for our trip. Stupid holiday weekend. *sigh*
Humidity in Denver? Are you nuts? DC gets more humidity in a week--any week--than we get in a month--any month.
I laugh when Michiganders complain about humidity. I tell them to travel South. (wT grew up in Maryland)
So.. On campus right now, and I just had a fellow Tech student assume I was an SYP kid (Summer Youth Programs, so middle/high school student).
I don't look that young, do I???
Just remind yourself that when you're older this will be a good thing. That's what I always do. Oh, and take advantage of it. I was getting children's discounts when I was 15. Still got college student rates when I was 25. And have come to accept that I am still getting carded at 28.
So this leads to an obvious next question.
Did anyone ask about their benefits such as time off rules before they took their job? Or was that not an important factor?
I did not at my current job, as I was happy to be employed full time and have any benefits.
Time off was a deciding factor when I turned down the job at John Deere. I was only going to get I think 7 days off that first year, and then 13 days off after 3 years. I didn't try to negotiate salary or anything else. I asked for 3 weeks vacation. If I was going to move to middle of nowhere Iowa I was going to need time off. They didn't budge, I turned the offer down. That was back before the economy went down the tubes.
And BPH, well done! Proud of you for keeping with it.