Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #108: Let's see if we can finish this before the Frozen Four.
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #108: Let's see if we can finish this before the Frozen Four.

Trap the blue line! Trap the blue line!
Dump and change your line!
Send one guy in on the forecheck,
We're happy with a tie!
Trap the blue line! Trap the blue line!
Every play's the same,
Drink! Brothers! Drink! Drink! Drink!
Wiscon-SIN's lame!
Screw Boston! Screw Boston!
The outhouse on the hill!
Screw Boston! Screw Boston!
They suck and always will!
So here's to the outhouse on the hill,
BC SUCKS and they always will!
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #108: Let's see if we can finish this before the Frozen Four.
On WisconSIN
On WisconSIN, On WisconSIN
Bounce right off that line
Run the ball three times a series
Punt on fourth and nine
On WisconSIN, On WisconSIN
Every game's the same
So drink! Brothers, Drink! Drink! Drink!
Forget this game!
* a virgin, * a virgin
Plunge into that box
Smash her cherry
With your hairy
2 inch Badger cok
* a virgin, * a virgin
Wash those sheets in time
So her poor mother won't see
That cummy slime!
Bucky Badger, Bucky Badger
You can eat my shorts!
I'd * you up the azz
But I'm afraid of getting warts.
Herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea
Are common in your land
You bast*ds should spend more time
With your hand!

Trap the blue line! Trap the blue line!
Dump and change your line!
Send one guy in on the forecheck,
We're happy with a tie!
Trap the blue line! Trap the blue line!
Every play's the same,
Drink! Brothers! Drink! Drink! Drink!
Wiscon-SIN's lame!
Screw Boston! Screw Boston!
The outhouse on the hill!
Screw Boston! Screw Boston!
They suck and always will!
So here's to the outhouse on the hill,
BC SUCKS and they always will!