How far is heaven?
Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 107: Now What??

Done.thanks to all of you, Chelsea made the cut and is one of the 10 semi-finalist!
time to get out and vote again!
I'm the only one on tonight which means I have to work my full shift.I wish I could have a half day. It started dying out late last night, and I bet it's gonna be dead today. Yay for Zombie Jesus weekend.

I haven't had one in almost two years. And I probably won't be getting one this year as I make more than anyone else in my department. (of course, I have the most seniority and experience, but that doesn't count)This news depresses me. As does the e-mail today of, "hey, guess what, no raises!!!!! mwwwhahahaha" Please note that I am still very appreciative to have a job in Michigan
Congrats!I got the notice yesterday that I was getting one, and not only am I getting the standard raise, they said that if I only get the standard raise this year, I'd still only be making the same as a college new-hire, so I'm also getting an additional supplemental raise because my supervisor "thinks my value is higher than that of a new hire".![]()
Well, everyone knows bankers make too much money anyway.Yeah, my company's setting record EPS numbers (0% Fed Funds Rate is a quick way to make a buck in this economy when you lend that money right back to the Feds), and I still only saw a 2% raise. Never overlook a bank's propensity to be cheap.