Hmmmm, now does “agape” have 2 or 3 syllables in this scenario?
That's the joke.
Hmmmm, now does “agape” have 2 or 3 syllables in this scenario?
The Catholic church and gross sexual misconduct.
There are currently about 250 priests serving across all diocese in the state. So extrapolating that backwards to peak numbers in the 70s and 80s, that's almost 50 out of probably 400-500. So about 10%. Yikes.
Officials at Transfiguration Catholic Church in Oakdale are apologizing for a message posted on the church’s electronic sign last week.
The message read: “Drag Queen-Free Since 1953!”
Parish officials said the sign’s message was removed on Friday evening after parish leadership learned of its existence.
The church originally posted a statement to Facebook, most likely written by the the priest. The public tore them into them, asking if the employee who wrote the sign is still employed, and other poignant comments calling out their hypocrisy, and parish members expressing their displeasure.
The church ended up deleting their post, disabling replies to their page, and reposted the apology letter. You know, they chose the cowards’ path.
The church is located in dx’s and DFG’s general area. My wife used to work there and we were married there.