I am fairly sure this was not the intent of the program.
Popham believes that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert on the administration’s coronavirus task force, is part of the “deep state” along with Bill Gates, another prominent villain of coronavirus conspiracy theorists. She believes their interest in developing a coronavirus vaccine is “driven by money” as well as “a socialist agenda” designed to “get control of us.” Based on research she’s done online, Popham thinks it’s likely that the vaccine will include some sort of human tracking device.
“It will keep track of us,” she said. “Kind of like in the end days, as the Bible says, you’ll be numbered.”
Popham, who described herself as a lifelong Republican, said that while her beliefs about the coronavirus vaccine “have a lot to do with my political views,” they also “go along with my faith.”
They're already wearing it. It's called a MAGA hat.
There's a woman here in Holland, MI who says God told her to reopen her salon, despite receiving the necessary funds to stay closed during Pandemic 2020. The locals (Dutch conservatives) are lapping it up and it's generated a small media circus.
So basically, it's nice to know Fundies use God as an excuse to do whatever the F they want.
Dutch? As in, the tall, gorgeous redhead people? I thought they were cool?
<img src="https://assets.afcdn.com/story/20150702/705015_w980h638c1cx343cy196.jpg" height=300>
In this town, they are not. I'd invite you to experience this for yourself, but I live in flyover land, and you've shown you're remarkably hesitant to visit.
Untrue. I have an anthropologist's fascination with primitive cultures.
<img src="https://y.yarn.co/03650802-7792-4d74-998c-955414277eb9_screenshot.jpg" height=200>
There's a woman here in Holland, MI who says God told her to reopen her salon
In a perfect world she'd be evaluated for schizophrenia instead of being giving a media platform.
In a perfect world she'd be evaluated for schizophrenia instead of being giving a media platform.
Second* rule of psychiatry:
If you talk to the gods, you are religious.
If the gods talk to you, you are schizophrenic.
* First rule is make sure the check clears.