Re: Rampage in Colorado Movie theater.
I suppose I should add that ultimately this kind of bad parenting is a pittance compared to what Ser Dickbag did, but at worst these parents should be dealing with ridiculously crabby children and maybe a few complaints from fellow moviegoers. That they instead have to live through a dead child for no reason is just plain awful.
Given that it's the middle of summer and it's freakin' Batman, I can understand a 9 year old. All the same: it's very odd.With all due respect to the victims, *** is someone doing taking a 4-month old baby to a midnight movie??? One of the victims was a youngster believed to be about 9. Same rage applies.
I suppose I should add that ultimately this kind of bad parenting is a pittance compared to what Ser Dickbag did, but at worst these parents should be dealing with ridiculously crabby children and maybe a few complaints from fellow moviegoers. That they instead have to live through a dead child for no reason is just plain awful.