New member
Congrats Q! Well deserved ranking!
The best thing about being ranked #1 is all the other fans complaining that you don't deserve it. The ironic part is that unless their team is undefeated they already had their chance to get their ranking. Then they turn to saying it doesn't matter over and over and over and over and over. Guess what, when you spend as much effort in telling someone that something doesn't matter as some matters. Wait until you play them and win. Then it will be the refs, puck bounces, bad night, etc.
EVERY program takes pride in the #1 ranking and this is especially big for Quinnipiac being the first in any sport. Enjoy it.
Does it matter as much to Minnesota as it does to QU? I'd say no. Does that mean QU fans shouldn't be excited? Again, I'd say no. Big moment for the program and their fans have every right to be excited.
Now to the point of clarification you and everyone else saying "ignore the haters" are failing miserably to grasp......
The thing people are annoyed with is all of the whining and all of the conspiracy theories over the past few weeks, NOT with people getting excited over an in-season poll.
In season polls can be fun, and can be meaningful to some people depending on the situation. All that is fine and dandy. But they should not be something to ceaselessly whine and complain about (pointing at you media and bloggers), and certainly not important enough to create fantastical conspiracy theories over. They are NOT that meaningful under ANY situation.
To summarize - Excitement is ok, whining and conspiracy theories bad.