Re: Question on Recruiting
I'm sorry, but this isn't youth hockey. Frankly, I'm pretty tired of all the kumbaya mentality that goes on these days. Regardless of whether it is D1 or DIII, these girls are adults now, and they need to realize their obligations and stand by their commitments.
Kumbaya? In the grand scheme of things, hockey is a GAME, an extra-curricular activity, though I recognize at this level it is also a business. Regardless, learning how to BALANCE conflicting priorities is an important life skill, and in the grand scheme of things family obligations are important too. This individual had no control over the scheduling. So maybe you're one of those who also believes one should miss major life events of those close to you for various regular work commitments too? Sad.
National team players miss multiple games for their varsity teams regularly. Why is it then considered acceptable that they are exempt from "realizing their obligations and standing by their commitments" to their team, when their absence has an even greater impact on that team? Why do you not consider meeting important once in a lifetime (hopefully) family obligations of at least equal importance to hockey ones then?
And I also don't understand how you would think funerals are acceptable reasons but weddings are not: I guarantee no one would be the wiser if you missed their funeral, but would never forget that you missed their wedding.
My kids have never in their lifetimes missed hockey for any family event--yet. Like most, we have all sacrificed non-hockey social lives, attending family functions, and numerous other work and educational opportunities. We've even missed funeral visitations. We have driven many hours through snowstorms to make games we shouldn't have and risked our lives, only to find them cancelled often when we got there. I guarantee no one is more committed.
But I would draw the line at missing weddings of close family members. My kids have been blessed with being part of amazing teams year after year, so maybe we have been especially lucky: but based on our experiences, frankly I would be shocked if any team members expected their teammate to make such a sacrifice, or resented them for choosing to make that commitment to their family. A strong team is like a family, and is supportive and understanding of the needs of their teammates, both on and off the ice.