Hug someone you care about...
That doesnt sound like a security issue at all...
That doesnt sound like a security issue at all...
That doesnt sound like a security issue at all...
Love that Trump willingly sat down for 18 interviews
with a guy "known for hit jobs."
The man is just so **** stupid.
That doesnt sound like a security issue at all...
He's probably talking about this.
Late last year we reportedly started putting very low yield (5 kiloton) SLBMs on Ohio-class subs. These are the marine version of the tactical nukes that put the wind up Europe in the 80s when they (quite rightly) saw them as a way for the US and Russia to use Germany as a nuclear playground without either getting their hair mussed. The whole idea of MAD is the D.
Dump of course probably faps over using them against Canada, Portland, and the women he's raped.
Anyway, for once the POS didn't actually let the cat outta the bag. The DOD had a statement in February because the whole reason for the rollout was they were freaking out that the Russians, who have low yield tactical nukes, might get the idea they could use them and we would be stuck because our only response would be to blow up the world, which we would be very unlikely to do if the target was, say, Turkey.
IINM Boeing had a hand in the W76-2 which means they probably don't work, anyway.
Dude, tD knew what he was saying and knew the timing. Everything he says is done to motivate the base and make sure they vote.
he was NOT gotcha’d.
this is all free advertising for him.
"They spied on my campaign. And if they were [Republicans], they would have been in jail two years ago. They would have been in jail -- literally, if this side were the Democrat side, they would have been in jail two years ago for 50-year terms for treason and other things."
It's worth pausing to note that all of this is bonkers; Obama and Biden did not spy on the Trump campaign; and no one committed "treason."
Nevertheless, the reporter pressed on, asking Trump whether he wants the Justice Department "to indict people over this." The president hedged, before declaring, "I have every right to have been very much involved, and maybe someday I'll get involved in it."
Yes, they are that stupid.Seriously, though...why is there even a photograph of that meeting?? I mean, I know they're that stupid, but are they really that stupid?
President Trump: Accessory to Muder.
Essentially, Trump says that under his watch, auto assembly plants have been added at an unprecedented rate in Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina and possibly other states — “they’re being built all over and expanded at a level that we’ve never seen before.” He attributes this to his jawboning of countries such as Japan and Germany — and his threat of higher tariffs.
So we checked in with the experts at the Center for Automotive Research, a group that assiduously tracks this information.
No surprise. Trump is making stuff up.
Kristin Dziczek, vice president at CAR, said there have been five new auto assembly plants announced since Trump took office — three in Michigan, one in Alabama and one in Texas. Here are the details, with the information provided by Dziczek.
As for his claim of unprecedented investment, Dziczek said: “In total, there were over $64.2 billion in automaker manufacturing investment announcements in the United States between 2013-2016 (previous three-year period) vs. $40.0B between 2017-2020.”