WT and LwB - I’d say pass on the gatherings. As Rube said - zoom or FaceTime the meal and plan a future gathering when COVID is more in the rear view mirror. Not worth the risk as cases are on the rise.
WT and LwB - I’d say pass on the gatherings. As Rube said - zoom or FaceTime the meal and plan a future gathering when COVID is more in the rear view mirror. Not worth the risk as cases are on the rise.
My mom is starting to accept reality that traveling while cases continue to climb is a terrible idea.
I'm gonna miss seeing them. My mom had been trying to visit every 2 months. She cancelled her trip in late March, a wedding planned for May was cancelled, our trip to the lake in August got cancelled. I think with all those she was still holding out hope for the holidays. Heck, back in March I was holding out hope for the wedding in late May. Then I still though August family trip might happen.
Aw man, les, that is infuriating! How can they not provide any guidance around staff? Oy. You should check out the UVM thread over in DI. One of their posters think it's a non-existent problem and is upset that UVM cancelled athletics for two weeks.
I have misplaced a portable phone charger. There are many places left here for me to store things as I've cleared out a lot of crap. I have others but they're stored in the storage unit in the garage. I'll go down there later to get one. It's driving me nuts as to what I did with it. I think I may have inadvertently threw it away.
Saturday morning I went to the dealership (shut up - I don't have a local mechanic) because my tire pressure light has been coming on AGAIN. This past July I wound up having to replace a sensor and left front axle. Took care of everything, then about a month ago it started coming on again. I told the service guy I know it could just be something as simple as needing air in one of the tires. It wound up being a nail in one of the tires. Then of course they proceed to tell me my tires are worn (which I knew) and I should replace them. And my brakes are in bad shape. ::head desk:: The main reason they are in bad shape is because I do not drive my car a lot (even without the pandemic keeping me home) and it's parked outside. I can't win. Anyway, they gave me a loaner car, said they would work on it and I could pick it up in the afternoon. And naturally, when I went there at the end of the day to pick it up, they said it wasn't ready. Now I'm waiting for them to call me to let me know I can get it. I have no meetings today so I can go any time. Getting annoyed I haven't heard.