Registered User
Re: Penn State 2012-2013: Welcome to D1
I think the two NHL teams in the state hurts them, most hockey fans would have already picked one of those to follow, thus leaving college as the red-headed stepkid.
I have to say that I'm not very impressed with the fan support of PSU hockey that I'm seeing on this site and on PSU hockey related sites. It looks like there is one PSU fan who posts on USCHO, and it is the same guy who runs the main PSU hockey blog, the Thank You Terry blog. There was no PSU vs AIC score update thread on either Friday or Saturday. And there is pretty much no commenting activity on that Thank You Terry blog or the discussion forum that he links to. This is for a future Big 10 hockey program, in a state with two NHL teams, on a campus with a very large student body, for a program that is building a brand new $100 million arena. Contrast that with UAH - it looks like they have about 10x the fan support/presence on USCHO and on their own sites - and that's for an independent school in the middle of ALABAMA with a very questionable future.
PSU, you need to prove that you know and support something other than football.
I think the two NHL teams in the state hurts them, most hockey fans would have already picked one of those to follow, thus leaving college as the red-headed stepkid.