Re: Penn State 2012-2013: Welcome to D1
Is there something going on back there that I don't know about or understand? Maybe somebody can enlighten me? Because, from where I stand I don't understand this approach/scheduling. I wouldn't want to pay to see these teams, either. It screams everything but "big time, Division 1" to me, and to their fans, I would think.
Hey, guy who wrote those posts you referenced here!
The home opener on Friday did sell out - that afternoon. Granted, there was just standing room left at that point, but still...we're talking about a sellout being a reported crowd of 1300. And there's that whole "first game in DI history" thing, against a DI opponent, even if it's just AIC. Bye week for football, too. Re-reading my two posts, I no longer think things are
quite as dire as I portrayed, but it still blows my mind that we're so slow in filling a tiny rink. The 5300 for the Saturday game in Wilkes-Barre is encouraging, so I'm latching on to that for now. Like I said in one of the posts, I unnecessarily bought ACHA season tickets in 2011-12 just to get priority for this season - I thought it would be an insane crush for tickets and that I was being pretty smart. I do think we'll manage to sell out this season, and the arena bump will help next year. After that, hopefully the program will have carved out a niche in what, frankly, is an oversaturated sports landscape, even for a large school. Maybe we'll even be winning a few big games by then, since our recruiting is taking a big step up starting with that year.
As for the schedule...that one's hard to fully explain. I think a lot of it is due to the fact that the Big Ten wasn't originally supposed to start up until 2014-2015. Rightly or wrongly (wrongly, in my opinion), administration has sort of treated the conference like the true finish line and was going to go through a
very gradual transition building up to 2014. Last year, originally, was supposed to be like any other ACHA year. We hired Gadowsky in the spring of 2011, but ACHA coach Scott Balboni was to continue on that season while Gadowsky's staff simply recruited and helped implement their systems (for a brief time, Gadowsky and Balboni were actually listed side by side as head coaches on the ACHA team's website, until Balboni resigned). We scheduled accordingly, and were pretty heavily criticized in ACHA circles when we ended up playing that schedule (as opposed to more DIIIs or even a DI or two) with a Gadowsky-coached team and four NCAA transfers. This year, originally year two of the three-year transition plan, was scheduled as an in-between year, reflected in the schedule. Next year, would have been more or less a full DI independent schedule in the new arena, followed by the Big Ten in 2014. Scholarships were going to slowly be increased to the 18 along with that.
I'm oversimplifying a little bit for the sake of clear explanation, but I believe that we're still seeing the awkward effects of changing plans mid-stream, thanks mostly to the Big Ten (again, the finish line for PSU administration) moving up a year after it was too late to overhaul the schedule (Gadowsky has said that this year's schedule was mostly created before he was hired). The coach also, from what I've heard, played a role in that he wanted the collective foot a little heavier on the gas - hence his ultimately coaching in the ACHA last year.
I would have liked to have seen a more ambitious schedule, but at the same time, my roots are with the ACHA. So speaking as a fan of a program that struggled for years to schedule NCAA teams, I don't entirely mind giving three of them a shot at us this year. I actually hope that someday, ACHAs can be exempt from game limits - I'd much rather play an annual exhibition against Ohio (our biggest ACHA rival) than against [fill in your favorite CIS school].
Hope all of that helps somehow!