Rodent of Unusual Size
Not sure I understand this comment in context Patman. Are you saying the current system is or is not good? are you commenting on the site at Do you know those people? Sorry. I am slow. I don't understand....
It is my assumption from looking at that site, and from what FS wrote, that they have their own system, and they are not aware that it doesn't match the PWR. And, that they don't know how the PWR works. Do you know more about that?
No, I mean a model based on score prediction in tandem with proper PWR execution would end a lot of this discussion.
A few years ago I was giving probs on such a model at the qf stage but I made myself look bad with errors in the program somewhere. Either in game merging or pair wise algo
Despite all this it's doable but its not the most fluid piece of programming as far as I've been able to either discern or muster.
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