Rodent of Unusual Size
I don't believe so, but that is what they did with the Common Opponent part of the comparisons.
From a pure geekery perspective I'm working on something similar to Rutter's method.... Bayesian but as of now, no random effects. We'll see how it gets put together. It ties in lightly (but not much at all) with current research. (Rutter, if you're out there, I've been working w Bayesian nonparametrics... The idea here is I can get to common links using scale mixture normal... So I just put a prior on the SMN inducing r.v. for the variance.)
In the off-season, especially if I'm a sequester victim, I would like to advance on the simulator idea. I still believe the hard part is working in league tie-breakers and the most confusing parts are the tournament formats. For me the modeling (frequentist) part is easy(-ish). It's the moving bits that suck.