Mushroom Cloud-Laying Mofo
Re: Oswego State 2009-10 Regular Season Thread
They're on a college TV station, they're going to be amateurish in how they shoot and not everyone is going to have an electric personality on the air AND know what they're talking about. If you were getting a completely professional and excellent broadcast, then it's a bonus.
You're watching everyone practice live on the air, things are going to be rough regardless.
I have never been part of WNYO, and as for what is wrong with the people on WTOP, my biggest problem is with the quality of the camera crew. They don't follow the puck well, and have a habit of making the game look amateurish at best. My other big issue is with the people doing the intermission reports. The conversation between the four is bland, there is little to no chemistry, often it seems like they're just starring off into space, and I get the feeling that some of them don't even know what they're talking about. In case anyone is questioning my experience with television media, while I haven't been involved with WTOP, I spent 4 years working with my local public access channel and can work every piece of equipment in a studio.
They're on a college TV station, they're going to be amateurish in how they shoot and not everyone is going to have an electric personality on the air AND know what they're talking about. If you were getting a completely professional and excellent broadcast, then it's a bonus.
You're watching everyone practice live on the air, things are going to be rough regardless.