John Gaudreau, his younger brother Matt, and their Dad visited UNH on Friday July 29, 2011. They had visited UVM the day before. My understanding is that John wanted to commit to UNH that day but the UNH Admissions Office would not even look at an application from him. To date, I have not heard an explanation for why the Admissions people would not review an application from Gaudreau.
One possibility is that the Admissions Dept decided it was too late for anyone - athlete or not - to apply for admission for the Fall of 2011. If so, that decision would seem to be somewhat arbitrary. Remember, on July 18, 2011, just two weeks before the Gaudreau's visited UNH, Casey Thrush was admitted as a last minute replacement for Dan Correale. Correale was set to come to UNH in Sept. 2011 but had to postpone enrollment for one year due to surgery. Thrush was not planning on coming to UNH until Sept. 2012 so I assume he did not submit an application to the Admissions Office until shortly before July 18, 2011.
The straightforward account is John Gaudreau and his brother visited UNH, the coaching staff offered him a scholarship on the spot, Gaudreau wanted to come to UNH, but the UNH Admissions Office would not accept an application from him. The following day, Saturday July 30, the Gaudreau's visited BC, BU, and Northeastern in that order. On Thursday, August 4, John Gaudreau accepted an offer to play at BC.