Other than white wine, what pairs well with fish?
Mmmm, bass. I could go for some deep fried bass, with some chipotle tartar sauce.After a bad day at work, Bass makes everything feel better.
Mmmm, bass. I could go for some deep fried bass, with some chipotle tartar sauce.
Does bass go with Bass?
Missed this; I had whitefish, and I did have a small glass of white wine. Next time, I'll try wheat beer.Most wheat beers, due to their citrus flavors and lightness.
V&Ts (or vodka on the rocks, if you're so inclined) with a squeeze of lime would probably work too. Generally, just avoid things that are heavy/overpowering, unless you're eating a particularly strong fish.
Missed this; I had whitefish, and I did have a small glass of white wine. Next time, I'll try wheat beer.
It's a bomb where you have 1/3 a pint of a Canadian beer that you drop a 50/50 shot of Rumple Minze 100 proof Peppermint Schnapps and Canadian Club whiskey into. It goes down relatively smooth, but once it hits your stomach, you'd better be able to weather the storm.
Friend just gave me the recipe for a bomb he invented this past weekend, which he dubbed "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald".
It sounds awful.
Hendricks' Gin is dangerously good. Seriously, this just kicked Sapphire to the curb and poured it down the storm sewer.
A whole fifth is a little too rich for my blood though.
This. There are some nights when I prefer a juniper-style gin, but Hendricks is awesome for the hot weather cooling drink, either in martini or in GT form.
As for me, I'm having a Redhook Rope Swing "summer pilsner" for my after-dinner beer. Pretty good, it seems to have more body than most pilseners and a somewhat more mild taste, with a hint more alcohol than your standard lawnmower beer.