Re: Obama XXIV: Forward ... pause ... rewind ... play
Considering the USA has revolutionised use of the assembly line to the point where companies are starting to use robotic drones to perform this manual work (and in the case of computer chips, it's out of necessity due to the size), the amount of labour is starting to become a wash (it isn't there yet, but it's on its way). You're absolutely correct in that the country needs to get its **** together when it comes to some of our technologies (or development thereof) and start to build.
What I've been starting to wonder is: What if America's post-WWII successes weren't because we have an innate edge, based on more freedom, more entrepreneurship, more opportunity, more immigrants' genes, etc.; what if it was only because we had more people? More people means more factories, quicker improvements, etc etc, eventually the cheapest products, and now the world wants to buy everything from you. Bingo, prosperity.
Obviously you have to have a society set up in a way that allows all those people to get stuff done. China's had more people than the US forever, but they (to say the least) didn't have things set up to make things very well. But what if it was only a matter of time until the other largest countries started seeing that if you get your basic **** together and have a bunch of factories making a bunch of products, you can't help but end up making them cheaper, and then you're selling, and your people are getting jobs, etc.?
I don't know if I really think all this yet. And China clearly has issues to work out in the near future. But if economic success on a world-wide stage turns out to be largely a matter of who has more people, then all the things Rover and FlagDUDE are observing are both true, but not relevant to the big picture.
Considering the USA has revolutionised use of the assembly line to the point where companies are starting to use robotic drones to perform this manual work (and in the case of computer chips, it's out of necessity due to the size), the amount of labour is starting to become a wash (it isn't there yet, but it's on its way). You're absolutely correct in that the country needs to get its **** together when it comes to some of our technologies (or development thereof) and start to build.