Cornell Big Red
Re: Obama XXIV: Forward ... pause ... rewind ... play
Because in the absence of those statements you assume that Obama supports criminality and wants the streets to run with blood? I don't understand why Obama has special powers to stop urban crime any more than any other president, unless the argument is somehow that Obama can influence his robot army of fellow blacks. If presidents had those abilities then Dubya would have been able to influence his robot army of fellow herpa-derps to stop doing meth long enough to mix in a job.
I aint buyin'.
Geez Kep
There are bully pulpits and then there are BULLY PULPITS. The President has the biggest bully pulpit in this country, bar none. If Obama would say in a news conference that the future of Chicago is dying in her streets and it has to stop, needs to stop, it lends a bit more weight than the Chicago papers or mayor or the odd alderman or two.
Would it stop the violence? Doubt it, but the moral high ground is nice to have now and then.
Because in the absence of those statements you assume that Obama supports criminality and wants the streets to run with blood? I don't understand why Obama has special powers to stop urban crime any more than any other president, unless the argument is somehow that Obama can influence his robot army of fellow blacks. If presidents had those abilities then Dubya would have been able to influence his robot army of fellow herpa-derps to stop doing meth long enough to mix in a job.
I aint buyin'.
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