You mean self serving sanctimonious BS like: "It depends on what the meaning of "is" is?" Tens of thousands of good Democrats (Lanny Davis being the foremost) had to twist themselves into knots explaining that when Clinton lied under oath it wasn't perjury, it was something else. Most Americans (thank God) aren't lawyers, but they understand that when you take that oath, you're swearing that you'll tell the truth, whether or not it rises to the legal definition of perjury.
Clinton is a pig, and presumably always will be. My principal objection to his behavior was his caviling about what he did and what it was. He evidently had such a low opinion of the American people, that he could just tell any story, no matter how obviously a lie, and we'd buy it. I'm generally not the slightest bit concerned about "consenting adult behavior" by people in public life. And I didn't agree with impeachment. But really, if Clinton would have behaved like an adult, instead of a sailor on leave in Tijuana. Can you see JFK getting a blowie in the oval from a cow like Monica Lewinsky? He had good taste but lousy judgement: Marilyn Monroe, mob gal Judith Campbell Exner and probable East German spy Ellie Rometsch (among others).
Democrats have shown themselves to be very open minded on these matters, when it involves other Democrats. They forgave Gerry Studds for cornholing actual congressional pages (as opposed to Mark Foley who had no sexual contact with pages, just used them as his "futures" file) and Barney Frank who had a gay bawdy house operating in his Georgetown home.