Re: Obama XXI: Kenyan Muslins are ruining this country!
There have been plenty of dicey candidates on both sides of the aisle over the years. I just find it ridiculous when someone tries to paint one side of the political spectrum as stupid overall. There's plenty of criticism to be leveled at both sides of the spectrum, but I don't think there's some great divide in the intellectual level of either side. But, I know it's a big piece of the Dems' PR machine to paint the Reps' candidates as stupid and all, and some of the simpler folk out there will buy into it without much thought.
And a big part of the conservative PR machine is to paint Dems as stupid. It's also incredibly ironic that in decrying labeling people stupid you use "simple" as an insult.
I was having a political discussion with conservative friends a few days ago and we arrived at the following conclusion: the only truly unpardonable offense we find in our interlocutors is when we think they are making assumptions about us based on their generalizations. If somebody listens to me and then, based on what I've said, concludes I'm wrong, or even that I'm stupid, it won't make me happy but I can at least walk away not taking too much offense -- they just have different ideas or values from me. But if somebody thinks to themselves, "well, this guy is a liberal, therefore he is X, Y, and Z," that's when I lose all respect and just think they're a wind-up toy.
Demagogues are always explaining "when (the opponent) says
that, they really mean
this," because their hatred can only take hold if the listener is programmed with thought-terminating circuit breakers that trip whenever they encounter cognitive dissonance.
We all have an implicit sandwich board reading "don't assume you know
anything about me other than what I've told you." Real offense starts when somebody starts trying to "fill in the blanks." And of course, since we're all human, and that's a large part of how human intelligence makes sense of the chaos of the world, we're all always doing it to some extent, so offense is rampant.