Re: Obama XV: Now, with 20% more rage
I put this here because I think it's more important than "nice planet," and because of the ongoing debate re: Islam in this country. It's SOP these days for people to proclaim themselves "outraged" by the most trivial things. "I'm outraged they didn't offer a vegetarian alternative to the hot dogs." etc. But THIS is outrageous. Who thinks it's appropriate to take middle school kids for a mini worship service, ever? Parental permission? Well, it seems parents weren't fully informed.
The tape is tendentious, certainly. But it's still hard to understand why it would be necessary to go to a mosque to study Islam. The idea of giving the kids a greater understanding is not automatically a bad one, but that can be accomplished in school, and doesn't require Islamic women in full regalia. In school the presentation can at least in theory be fact checked.
It would be rather like in the 30's, wanting the kids to understand what was going on in Germany, to take them to a meeting of the German American Bund and have Fritz Kuhn give 'em a little pep talk.
As we approach my favorite time of the year: the season when Manger Police fan out across the country looking to snuff out any "inappropriate" observations of Christmas, it is interesting to note that at least one ACLU type was on hand for this little indoctrination session. Nice. Oh, but the parents gave permission! Right. How about INFORMED permission?
If it's true that there is some sort of national effort here to "educate" our children about Islam, and it originates in, say Saudi Arabia, participation in it by public schools needs to be stopped, immediately.
Of course many of the same people who've been chastising us for "Islamophobia" for our opposition to putting an Islamist Victory Arch near GZ, will doubtless conclude opposition to these indoctrination sessions is yet another manifestation of our ignorance and intolerance.