What I'm struck by in all of this conversation is how conservatives like to use 9-11 still to advocate unconstitutional acts.
1) Blaming all Muslims for 9-11 is reactionary and stupid. You could probably find problems with
any name they use for the place as now righties are reaching back to some 16th century conquest as one reason for opposition.

We don't blame all Germans for Hitler, nor all Japenese for Pearl Harbor. When do we stop holding people responsible for a criminal act they had nothing to do with?
2) Creating a mosque free buffer zone is un-American. You cannot favor, nor discriminate, one religion over another. Plain and simple Constitutional truth. How far away should this mosque free buffer zone be? 5 blocks? People still wouldn't be complaining about that? A mile - within walking distance of the site? People would still complain about that. Where does it end? Its not like this thing is on the site, or even facing the site.
3) Can you protest this? Sure. But you know what? Listening to right wing talk radio does not equal protest. Have you written any letters? Picked up a sign and picketed the site? Anything at all out of any of you righties except for whining on a message board dedicated to college hockey? Its amazing how you people thing listening to the Limbaugh show takes the place of actually doing something, much like you think reflexively voting Republican gets you out of having to go to church every Sunday.
Lastly, yes I consider it a mosque and not a monument. If Atta and his fellow jerkoffs are mentioned anywhere, that's a different story. But I need proof of that, as well as proof that this is actually scheduled to break ground on 9-11.