Re: Obama XIV: President VISTA with SP2
Well said. Public protest is fine and perfectly legal. Other than that, if they went through the process governing building in NYC that everybody else does, its against this country's principles to deny them based on their religion. Just as all Germans aren't responsible for Hitler, nor all Japanese responsible for Pearl Harbor, nor are all Muslims responsible for the crimes of people that I've seen no evidence that they're linked to.
I agree with all of this - it would be entirely inappropriate (not to mention unconstitutional) for any governmental body to discriminate against the builders of this mosque.
Assuming the builders have followed all the legitimate, non-discriminatory permit procedures, the only legal way to "prevent" this mosque from being built is for the opponents to exercise their first-amendment rights to raise enough of a fuss that the public pressure against the mosque makes the builders reconsider and CHOOSE not to build it because they don't want the bad publicity. If, as many opponents claim, the entire purpose of the mosque is for the builders to thumb their noses at American society, this strategy seems entirely unlikey to be effective - and is, in fact, probably counterproductive. If that is the case, then the course of action most likely to discourage the builders is to ignore the whole thing and deny the builders the spotlight that they allegedly crave. That'll learn 'em!
Well said. Public protest is fine and perfectly legal. Other than that, if they went through the process governing building in NYC that everybody else does, its against this country's principles to deny them based on their religion. Just as all Germans aren't responsible for Hitler, nor all Japanese responsible for Pearl Harbor, nor are all Muslims responsible for the crimes of people that I've seen no evidence that they're linked to.