Slap Shot
I got nothing
"The jobs change, but the faces remain the same."
That's not really an answer.

"The jobs change, but the faces remain the same."
How are Fox' first amendment rights being violated? They know what they are, we know what they are, and they're just as free today to be it as yesterday. Nobody has a "right" to be called objective. They aren't being censored, they're just being criticized.
I don't think Obama should give this any more oxygen -- it isn't as if calling Fox biased is an earth-shattering revelation. But if I had a penny for every time the right sneered at the "liberal media," I'd be typing this from my villa in Switzerland.
The fault lies with almost everyone. Both parties for their inability to manage the country in a fiscally responsible way. Wall Street Banks. The Fed with it's easy credit and money philosophy. Fannie and Freddie. The public at large for being stupid enough to enter into mortgages they couldn't afford, and for using their homes as their personal ATMs. Mortgage companies and banks for lending to people they knew couldn't pay them back. Congress for encouraging this behavior. Over-leveraging. Securitization/passing risk onto other parties. etc. etc.
Has there been anything done since the meltdown to prevent the short selling of stock and the ever popular (and deliciously naughty sounding) naked short selling?
So is there any practical purpose for these sales and if not why are they allowed? Isn't it just fraud, selling something you don't own, representing that you do own it, for the purposes of making a profit?
Short sales are still allowed.Ok I need to ask a question and I forsee this leading to me getting ripped quite a bit for many reasons but it is an honest question so screw it I am going to ask
Has there been anything done since the meltdown to prevent the short selling of stock and the ever popular (and deliciously naughty sounding) naked short selling? I remember about the time Lehman Brothers collapse (I think it was Lehman, it may have been Bear Stearns) they suspended short selling for a couple weeks but as of now is it still active and allowed?
Nope doesn't look like it. But they probally should limit the short % to the float to stop manipulation. And you can't default on short selling since your margin requirements (50%) are the same long or short and the NASdaq/NYSE guarantees the trade.
It's allowed for market makers/specialist to naked short at will, well to keep the market orderly when you have too many buyers or hedging. And it's mostly used to hedge (long position) or bet on the down-side by hedgefunds.
This had nothing to do with the collapse of Bearstern or Lehman. They went under because they got a margin call. Plus Bear got bought out by JPmorgan for $1 ($10) with Fed guarantees. In hindsight it probally would have been cheaper to guarantee Lehman debt and let someone take them over. would have kept AIG from going under from CDS contracts and the panic uncertainty that created for the counter party.
Sending your Chicago goons out to deligitimize them on other networks is way more than criticism. If Nixon were alive and sending out Haldeman and Erlichman to attack the legitimacy of, say, CBS, you'd be apoplectic. But since it's only Fox (and we know what they're all about don't we?) who cares?Plus, the other thing the WH wants to accomplish here is to intimidate other networks into staying off of stories from Fox (Van Jones, ACORN). "Nothing to see here. Everyone just move alone."
Trying to keep Fox out of a WH pool briefing IS censorship, and all of the members of the pool agreed that it was. Similarly trying to deny them access to government officials is way more than criticsm, and I'm pretty sure you know the difference.
Who said anything about a right to be called objective? Fox isn't and neither is CNN (which fact checks SNL skits but passes on slanderous statements about a guy they don't like without fact checking) or MSNBC, just to name two. I don't want their access to government officials restricted either.
Legally, you're right, there's no effort to deny Fox the right to speak. But there is a serious effort here to silence opposition, which all of my life mealy mouthed liberals have assured me is one of the things we should oppose in this country. But, in the case of Fox, an exception apparantly.
Bottom line for me, Barack Nixon's actions speak much louder than his words here. Trying to crush or at least hurt an entity that has the temerity to oppose him. Evidently we can't have Fox and "change we can believe in."
Get back to us when he's spying on them, poring through their tax records, and breaking into their offices.
Until then, this 'Nixon' talk is just a bit hyperbolic, isn't it?
The whole purpose of pool reporting is so those that were there can then go on and brief those that weren't. There are dozens of media representatives not allowed in the pool. Would, say, keeping the political reporter from the Butte Montana Times be censorship?
Get a grip.
If BNPPWO's predecessor had tried this you'd have to be pried down from the ceiling. And I'd be right there with you.
Q On the back-and-forth between you guys and NBC News, one of the issues Ed Gillespie brings up is NBC calling Iraq a civil war for a period, and then Ed notes that it stopped around September of 2007. Then Ed asks in his exchange with NBC, "Will the network publicly declare the civil war has ended, or that it was wrong to declare it in the first place?" I'm wondering if you guys have gotten a response on that matter, and if not, are you still calling for a response from NBC?
MS. PERINO: We have not heard back from them on that specific matter. We anxiously await any response that we would get on it. But I think it's quite telling that they have been silent.
The reason that we sent the letter yesterday is because we had gotten fed up with the way that the President's policies are being mischaracterized, or the situations on the ground weren't being accurately reflected in the reporting. We had complained before. And it just reached a boiling point when things had boiled over when we believed that NBC News specifically edited out -- intentionally edited out -- something that the President said in response to a question in an interview regarding Iran, and that it mischaracterized the whole interview because of it.
As regards the civil war, I remember very distinctly how there was quite the pomp and circumstance when NBC, on the Today Show, decided to declare -- that they were declaring that Iraq was a civil war. But since then, after the surge and things certainly improved in Iraq, NBC has never had a corresponding ceremony to say that Iraq is not in a civil war. I was just curious to find out what they believe.
And the same goes with the economy. When we got the numbers just two weeks ago on the GDP for the economic growth, it said that we had grown at 0.6 percent. And yet the anchor that night decided to disavow that number. We're just curious what part of the official government data that's been coming out for years do they not agree with. So we haven't had a response on that.
And just another point on this is that President Bush is going to continue to state what United States policy is for the next eight months, and certainly during the six months that there's an election going on. If, for example, if tomorrow President Bush says that he believes that the tax cuts should be made permanent, that doesn't mean he's attacking anybody; he is stating his policy. And we just want to make sure it's really clear that we're not going to allow the President's policies to be dragged into the '08 election unnecessarily and unfairly.
"When we got the numbers just two weeks ago on the GDP for the economic growth, it said that we had grown at 0.6 percent. And yet the anchor that night decided to disavow that number. We're just curious what part of the official government data that's been coming out for years do they not agree with. So we haven't had a response on that."
Mr. Capus, I'm sure you don't want people to conclude that there is really no distinction between the "news" as reported on NBC and the "opinion" as reported on MSNBC, despite the increasing blurring of those lines. I welcome your response to this letter, and hope it is one that reassures your broadcast network's viewers that blatantly partisan talk show hosts like Christopher Matthews and Keith Olbermann at MSNBC don't hold editorial sway over the NBC network news division.
Well, George Bush actually did eavesdrop on reporter's telephone calls, and none of you f-tards were calling him 'Nixon', so I'd have to say there's something beyond Obama dissing Fox News that has your dander up.
But hey, just keep telling us how patriotic and all you are for standing up to this president's criminal conduct.
Umm, he did try this.
They're calling out NBC for what they say is negative or biased reporting towards the President. Directly attacking one specific news anchor. "Fed up with their biased and misharacterized" reporting. You know, like slapping a 'D' after a Republican who's been caught in scandal's name. Over and over again
As for what was in Gillespie's letter to NBC.
Sounds pretty much what this WH is saying towards Fox, that there's littel top no difference between their opinion pieces and their hard news people.
I must have missed you standing right there with me. Guess you must have been lost in the crowd of all you patriotic Repubs calling George Bush "Nixon".
"The White House has basically said that they don't believe in the marketplace of ideas, they're not willing to engage in debate, and they are going to be associated with John Adams and the Sedition Act and Richard Nixon and his 'enemies' list – is that the company they want to be in?" says Mike Farrell, director of the First Amendment Center at the University of Kentucky"Completely missing the point.
One. Obama is not eavesdropping on Fox News, their reporters or their management. George Bush was for a fact eavesdropping ion news reporters, catalogueing their phone calls and who they were speaking to. Called out the media publicly from behind their briefing podium. Not a peep from all you Constitutional protectors about how they were abusing free speech, the law, and the Constitutution.
Nixon did the same and more.
Obama's administration does one siimple thing, simply criticizes Fox news as not being 'fair and balanced' as they claim, and now you've all got the vapors.
I didn't care what the Dubya administration said about the press, I doubt you could find a post here where I did. That's them just working the refs. You didn't care about it either. Now, suddenly you do. Cause it's not MSNBC under attack, but your beloved Fox News. Cause it's not a Republican doing it, but a Democrat.
Just wish all you unbiased non-partisans would just admit it.
When you show me Obama's spying on the press, or using the power of his office to persecute Fox News, I'll be right there with you. Unlike you who was MIA a year ago when Bush was doing all this.
Like i said, when and if Obama or other Dems go beyond criticisms to actually taking vindictive action against them, I'll be right there protesting. I'll have my chance to denounce them.
You already had your chance to speak out against Bush and the Republicans for doing exactly this, and even more, and you were silent. So forgive me if your bleatings now have little effect on me.
Rhetoric aside, what are the actual, factual incidents in which the administration has denied Fox News its first amendment rights?
#1 We've already discussed this.
They have already gone beyond criticism. The question now is, what will be their next step in the service of "change?"
Nice of you to pass out "chances" for me to say what you want me to say. That's not in the slightest bit arrogant.