Re: Obama 7 - now what?
Maybe he should let terrorists bomb a couple American buildings, and watch his poll numbers rise?
Actually the GOP needs that more than him:
A new CNN/Opinion Research poll finds the Republican Party's favorable rating is at lowest level in at least a decade. Just 36% of those questioned say they have a favorable opinion of the GOP, with 54% viewing the party negatively.
In contrast, 53% have a positive opinion of the Democratic Party, with 41% holding an unfavorable view.
Said pollster Keating Holland: "The Republican party may still be battling the legacy left to them by George W. Bush. They have also spent a lot of time in 2009 working against Democratic proposals. That hasn't left them a lot of time so far this year to present a positive, post-Bush message."
Yup, a party at its all time low in popularity is going to take over Congress next year.

In other news in Knuckledragger Fantasyland, Barack Obama will come clean about his Kenyan/Saudi/Indonesian birth and be forced to resign, a little known (and long forgotten) codicil in the US Constitution recently discovered gives the
previous VP the right of succession making Dick Cheney POTUS, and Sarah Palin does a spread in Playboy, one page after Rush Limbaugh.
Does that cover all of you guys' longings?