Re: Obama 6(...66)
Looks like a slow couple of days on this thread. Now, I certainly don't condone picking on the kids who ride the short bus, but I need to call this one out:
Why do conservatives hate America?
So let's see, so far this year, conservatives have been against:
Bill Clinton traveling to N. Korea to secure the release of American journalists.
Not this conservative.
An American city hosting the Olympic Games
Not this conservative. I was just against that clown of a POTUS wasting time and millions of dollars to travel to Europe to lobby for his hometown and do some more jetsetting, all during the bleakest economic times for our country in 60 years. When I learned that he was only wasting time and money to lobby and not to do some sightseeing, I let it go.
But I've come to a total about face on the clown doing things like this. The more time he spends not running this country is the more time he spends not running this country into the ground. Any day he spends not doing his job is a stay of execution day for America.
I am all for him wasting millions of dollars using Air Force One to take his wife on a date to a Broadway show or to Paris to buy her some $400 shoes. The millions he wastes jetsetting is much better than the trillions he wastes doing his job.
Rescuing American sailors from Somali pirate
Helping American automobile companies stay in business
So rufus is indeed a proponent of corporate welfare after all! Or is it the nationalization of the economy he likes? Either way, yes, this conservative was totally against that. The American auto industry has been turning out crap for decades. If the auto execs would like to stay in business, they should try making a quality car that can compete with Nissan and Toyata, et al. If the union workers would like to stay employed, they should have not insisted on pensions and salaries that choke the life out of their employers.
And offering Americans affordable healthcare
Yes, I oppose HR 3200 because what I want is to see Americans to go broke and lose their kids' inheritances. That's exactly what I want. Dope.
Again, why do conservatives hate America? Why do they feel that America isn't able to do any of these things, why do they doubt the greatness of this country?
Your real question here is, why do conservatives doubt the greatness of The One's Agenda?
Oh, yeah, cause we have a black Democrat as President.
So here's a question for the intelligent liberals. Obviously, we all know how ignorant rufus is being to play the race card.
My question is, do the ignorants who go there with the race card honestly believe their accusations against myself and other conservatives? I'm honestly very curious to what you're thinking. Obviously, stereotypes don't come from nowhere so it's one thing to think that about a high school dropout from Montgomery, Alabama who has a "The South Will Rise Again" sticker on the bumper of his pickup. Putting that aside, I tend to think that all but the most exceptional morons are just using the race card as a low blow smear tactic. But I'm curious if the typical liberal really thinks racial bigotry is that pervasive....
(And by the way, I'll bet the house that rufus hasn't met as many black people as I've had black friends, if we want to start keeping score.)
I'm with you and Kepler on that one. We will never have a moment like hockey in '80 again.
Nope, not a chance.