Re: Obama 6(...66)
also, in that poll:
The extremism in New Jersey isn't limited to the right though. 19% of voters in the state, including 32% of Democrats, think that George W. Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11.
I think those toxic waste dumps are seeping into people's brains.
To be fair, that's a tricky question that can be interpreted a lot of ways. The FBI and CIA were reporting on al Qaeda's threats for years before 9-11. I haven't read anything more than a general summary of the 9-11 commission's findings, but it's not unreasonable to say that at some point in his early presidency, W. was informed of
some threat related to 9-11 before it happened.
- The 9-11 commission found that they weren't very effective at updating either W. or Clinton.
- I'm sure that those threats were lost in the shuffle of a zillion other threats our government recieves on a regular basis.
Both of those facts make it difficult to act on, or even take seriously, a lot of threat reports that the CIA or FBI might have had leading up to 9-11. I don't know anything about the amount of false information they get or the breadth of general threats and terrorist activity that they have to deal with. One of the reasons I could never be president.
But in any case, we do know that W. was informed of something relating to 9-11 beforehand. You can acknowledge that without implying that W. was somehow responsible for it. With that in mind, if you interpret that question as "was W. told about some 9-11 related threat that eventually wound up being true?", then you can answer that question with a "yes" without having a toxic waste dump of a brain.
If you interpret "prior knowledge" as "knew it
would happen and
intentionally didn't do anything about it and therefore is a co-conspirator by his inaction", then of course you'd have to be a paranoid nutjob to say "yes". But I think its reasonable to say that not everyone would interpret that question that. (Even with all that in mind, the 19% is a shockingly high number)
What's my point? "Is Obama the Anti-Christ", on the other hand, really can't be interpreted in any other meaningful way.
What's my other point? A lot of people *ahem* will look at a survey result like that and think "oh my God, look how many liberals are complete morons" without even bothering to think about what they just looked at.