Re: Norwich v. Middlebury
If the 10 NESCAC teams play each other twice that only leaves 7 games to schedule outside the league. The Maine teams would want to play Southern Maine and UNE so how many opportunity's would Norwich have to play Bowdoin and or Colby. Middlebury's Primelink games and there Christmas Tournament would take up 22 games leaving very few additional dates to schedule. Right now I think the interlock is looked at as one of the best D3 leagues recruiting wise; if the leagues split I have no idea how the competion would play out. It seems to me that a team like Norwich would look to the SUNY and ECAC West to get more competitive games. Just think how exciting a Plattsburgh/Oswego weekend would be at Norwich. Or how about an Elmira/Hobart away weekend to raise a little excitement.
They only need one each from Midd, Bowdoin, and Colby.
If the ECAC-East stays at 10 teams, they could place each other twice (18 games), have the Times-Argus (2 games), and the Prime Link (2 games). That makes 22, leaving 2 or 3 games available. Right now Plattsburgh is an out of conference game that is unlikely to change, leaving 1 or 2 games open. Unless the scenerio below occurs, I'd bet Middlebury would be on the schedule. Both Plattsburgh and Middlebury are not huge travel costs.
If the DII schools are kicked out, that leaves an 8 team league. If they play each other 3 times, that takes up 21 games (I think it unlikely in that format that they only play each team twice. That would leave 10 OOC slots to fill.).
For Norwich, that would mean Prime Link and Times-Argus, and no more.
NESCAC teams already have 4 (or is it 5) open slots for OOC. Do you think they are likely to start filling them up with SUNYAC or Ecac-West teams, if they don't already play them?
If the NESCAC breaks the interlock, you should look at NESCAC football as a possible example of how things might go in a few years, rather than contemplating NESCAC games against SUNYAC and the ECAC-West.