Maybe it has to do with who you're playing. The games you host against Sparty, Weasels, and Tech?
I've been beating the Fire Walt Kyle drum for over a decade now. He should've been replaced years ago. Instead we have waited around, twiddled our thumbs, and look like total boobs. It's well past time for Walt to hit the road. The AD needs to be fired as well. NMU ATHLETICS IS A TRAVESTY!
EDIT: NMU has some respectable varsity teams: women's basketball, mens and womens swimming, mens and women's skiiing, cross country. The rest of the sports have been trash so far. We used to have a good women's soccer team - NOPE! We used to be national contenders for volleyball - MIDDLE OF THE PACK! Football and men's bb-ball have been travesties each and every year for over a decade. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE AT NMU
They're baaaaaack
Of Course I am back! This is my time to shine! The rest of the NMU fans are finally understanding that Walt Kyle is a Joe Schmoe coach who can't take NMU to the glory land! People are fed up with NMU's apathetic attitude and are rising up and demanding changes. I am here to once again take up the reigns and lead the movement that was started so many years ago!!! NMU - Where the M stands for Mediocrity
<b>N</b>ot <b>M</b>uch <b>U</b>pstairs.I thought it is where N stands for kNOWLEDGE?
I can all but guarantee that, if NMU makes a change, what you get will be closer to Damon Whitten or Jamie Russell or Matt Thomas than it is to Mel Pearson, Mike Hastings or Chris Bergeron. Then again, those 3 would not likely have taken the jobs at NMU, LSSU or UAA under the same conditions that Kyle, Whitten or Thomas is stuck with.
Seems this "journalistic" piece has brought a bunch of the older posters back to USCHO. All we're missing is MOJO with some smarmy rah-rah-pro-MTU-things-sure-are-different-from-20-years-ago post.
You could dress Alabama-Huntsville up in Michigan sweaters and the only difference most of the fans would notice is that Red's not behind the bench. You would have a huge crowd, many wearing the colors of the visiting team.
If that's the case, you have some clueless hockey fans in Marquette. Apathy has set in. Time for a change.
Some interesting stats for you regarding the success of the NMU program in comparison with Tech, since MOJO brought up the idea with the AD suggestion.
Since the NMU program began play in the 1976-77 season, the Wildcats have finished with more overall wins (i.e. not head-to-head) than the Huskies in 28 of the 40 seasons played. The high water mark was unsurprisingly 1990-91 when NMU finished with 38 wins...25 more than MTU's 13 that season. From 1996-97 to 2013-14, Northern finished with more wins in all but one season (that one was in 2006-7). The two teams had an equal 19 wins in the first season of 1976-77, and only once have they both achieved 20 wins in the same season (1980-81).
In the previous two seasons to the current one, Tech has posted 23 more wins than NMU (15 more in 2014-15, 8 more in 2015-16) in the most successful 2 years ever for the Huskies in that regard. Tech had more wins in each season from 1980-81 to 1983-84, but that combined total was only 16 wins. The only other time the Huskies posted more wins than the Wildcats in back to back seasons was 1994-95 and 1995-96.
So in a nutshell - if the success of NMU hockey is measured by how well they stack up against their biggest rival, this is fast approaching the low water mark...if it isn't already there. But if that's the only criteria, I think your priorities may need some adjustment.
Maybe the better question would be WHY is this happening.
I can all but guarantee that, if NMU makes a change, what you get will be closer to Damon Whitten or Jamie Russell or Matt Thomas than it is to Mel Pearson, Mike Hastings or Chris Bergeron. Then again, those 3 would not likely have taken the jobs at NMU, LSSU or UAA under the same conditions that Kyle, Whitten or Thomas is stuck with.