- First. Their math on the first graphic is terrible for hockey. A 64-91-23 record since 2012(-2013 season) is a .424 win percentage. Not 35.9%.
- Second. Their math on the second graphic continues to be terrible for hockey. A 91-83-28 record from 2007(-2008 season) to 2011(-2012 season) is .520. Not 45%
- Third. Their audio and mixing sucks terribly.
- Four. Wow. What a crock from Forrest. There are people out there that want to donate to specific sports, but are told that their donation goes to *all* sports. There is no way to donate money to a sport directly.
- Five. The lack of acknowledgement from the University for alumni/sponsor/etc. donations doesn't surprise me. That wasn't happening as far back as 2000 even under Ken Godfrey (RIP).
- Six. Lack of outreach. D*mn right. Burdick and Anderson aren't wrong.
- Seven. Forrest is running short on community goodwill. Between his railroading of Walt two seasons ago to cover his potential mistakes, his lack of visibility other than the occasional television interview from an empty ice arena (this piece, his TV6 interviews last year), etc. is starting to wear thin.
- Seven. On the other hand, this isn't 100% Forrest's fault. Or Walt. Or the teams directly. There seems to have been ideas floated that made it as far as the AD's office going back now 17 years that hasn't changed. What happened once they got to that office, who knows. Either they were passed along and shot down by the board of controllers, or just flat out lost in the AD's office.
- Nine. This was a much needed piece, but the way they went about it was ham handed and lost focus. I appreciate the effort, but the TMZ-esque production needs a lot of polish.
tl:dr; UP Local CBS sucks at math and beyond that I'm just unsure where this piece was headed. Started as a discussion of record and coaching changes, becomes a complaint about the budget, then swings to lack of recognition from the University. I will say: Burdick and Anderson aren't wrong.
*edit* Also, for those interested, here's a handy spreadsheet and graphic with the team record versus attendance combined.