Re: No Doubt About It: Some Muslims Are Bat Chit Crazy!
I'm with the media, which (surprisingly) wasn't all over this. There's no news here. Islamic radicals killing innocent people for no good reason? Check. Gainesville pastor a loathsome attention whore? Check.
These things didn't just become true last month.
True. But here, unlike Freddy Phelps' demonstrations, innocent people are dying and have died and will die. That's what separates bat chit Muslims from everybody else. Bat chit Muslims show up one day at Fort Hood and murder 13 GI's. Bat Chit Muslims put bombs in their U trou. Bat chit Muslims plant bombs in Times' Square. And on and on and on.
This is where media, particularly local media, are letting us down: no context, no perspective. Local TV news especially, markets itself as being "on your side," featuring clips of ambush interviews with local officials or businessmen running away from blow dried morons asking them the tough questions: "Did you steal the paper clips?" Almost anything really important to the audience is jettisoned. Too much work. Too hard a story to tell. Too hard to find sources.
Here's one you've seen multiple times (and, hopefully had nothing to do with professionally). White cop shoots and kills young black suspect after suspect produces a weapon. TV shows up and the local gentry are full of helpful observatiions: "That boy wasn't doing nothing." "I saw the whole thing, and that cop just killed him. He didn't have no gun." Etc. Local TV puts that unverified crapola on the air. Subsequently, none of these "eyewitnesses" testify before the grand jury or the citizen review board, where their statements would be under oath. None of the enterprising (and I'm not using that term in the journalistic sense) reporters think to ask any probing questions about our "witnesses" in order to establish even entry level credibility. Nope, they just put those inflamatory (and almost certainly untrue) statements on the air. No context. No perspective. "We did a little checking, and the "witness" who claims the cop gunned down an unarmed, innocent person is a member of the Bloods, a two time loser, convicted of felony mopery, who wasn't even there." Nope. Just shove his ugly stupid lying face into everybody's living room.
When it comes to Muslim extremism, our enterprising reporters run to their local Muslim "source." A guy who's always available to answer questions (the most important credential). Maybe he's a cleric, maybe he's a professor at the local JC, maybe he's just a Muslim with an axe to grind. Under almost any circumstances, what he has to offer is, at a minimum, worthless. He has no context, no perspective (other than his own) and may have a hidden agenda about which our talking hairdos have zero knowledge and understanding. But by golly we've got a local dude on our air commenting on the latest bat chit Muslim outrage somewhere in the world. At best, this "reporting" doesn't inform at all. At worst, this "reporting" puts people's lives needlessly at risk by keeping them ignorant of the nature and extent of serious threats.