The league website says it up to the commish.
note the # in the upper right and it's explanation in the lower left.
Although the top seed has played the early game four of the past five years, top seeded UM played NMU in the late game in 2008. In that time, there has never been a late game that didn't include UM or MSU and two of the five have had both. The only time that UM wasn't in the later contest was in 2005, when they played Notre Dame early and State played OSU late. The early games that featured a top seed were NMU/ Notre Dame last year with UM and ALaska late, 2007 with Notre Dame and LSSU early and UM/MSU late, 2006 with MIami and NMU early and UM and MSU late and 2005 with UM and Alaska early and MSU/OSU late.