In a round about stretch of a way I'm actually arguing against discriminating against a religion. (Islam)
I'm afraid I'm unable to grasp bringing up "Dr." Malik, given that his motivation for mass murder was serving Islam, that his loyalty to his faith transcended his loyalty to his country and justified his massacre of innocents. And given that is precisely my point.
He's an example of an American, just like the man who killed the abortion doctor, that put their faith before country and killed someone because of it. There's no difference between them and a real american, because there is no such thing as a real american, just as there's no true scotsman. If you're here, you're a citizen, you're an said:What I said was (and it evidently requires repeating so you can grasp the concept) is that Americans, regardless of their faith, reject the notion of killing others of different faiths just because they believe differently.
If anti-americanism means not believing that america was founded perfect and has been getting even more perfect ever since, then sign me up. There's good and there's bad.You are apparantly so consumed with the kind of anti-Americanism that keeps 'em in stitches in the dorm on Saturday night (especially Saturday night) that you don't pay attention to what YOU'VE written.
See this is where you appear to be having a problem. We started at point A, moved to B, then to example C, and now you are comparing A to C, to create a strawman that somehow since america did bad in the past, I am saying it's alright for muslims to do similar today. When my original point was against you saying they needed to become culturally americanized, and that them forcing their beliefs was also wrong. The mention of past wrongs on america's part were examples against your generalization about what real americans believe.I'm trying to distill your point, let's see if I've got it: the white man treated Indians badly in the 18th and 19th centuries, therefore it's okay, or at least not something to b***h about if Islamists want to kill Americans in the 21st century? That about it?
Obviously forcing others to observe their culture is wrong, just as it is for ANY religious group, because the law of the land matters more. But the reason this is a great country is that it's a land of many people with many cultures, and every attempt to forcibly make people into a unified vision of real americans has met with absolute failure.
At the same time though, you were definitely being a bit of a "homer" on Christianity, and reacted poorly when Foxton pointed out that Christian extremists have not only existed in the past, but continue to exist in the present.
He's an example of an American, just like the man who killed the abortion doctor, that put their faith before country and killed someone because of it. There's no difference between them and a real american, because there is no such thing as a real american, just as there's no true scotsman. If you're here, you're a citizen, you're an american.
If anti-americanism means not believing that america was founded perfect and has been getting even more perfect ever since, then sign me up. There's good and there's bad.
See this is where you appear to be having a problem. We started at point A, moved to B, then to example C, and now you are comparing A to C, to create a strawman that somehow since america did bad in the past, I am saying it's alright for muslims to do similar today. When my original point was against you saying they needed to become culturally americanized, and that them forcing their beliefs was also wrong. The mention of past wrongs on america's part were examples against your generalization about what real americans believe.
Oh and islam isn't a race, so there would be no point in calling you a racist. Unless you have some other topic in mind.
This is disgusting as well. I really worry about teenagers these days with all the school shootings, suicides, bullying, etc. It's a scary world sometimes.
The saddest thing to me about this is that her Mom warned school administrators about what was happening. It would appear that a lot of people knew what was going on - and tolerated it. I don't have all the facts but it looks like a really ugly situation for many. RIP Phoebe.
Iowa baby died after being placed on stove-top
Associated Press
Updated: 04/02/2010 08:20:16 AM CDT
NEWTON, Iowa — Authorities say a 5-month-old Newton boy burned to death in his car seat when the seat was placed on a glass stove top that was accidentally turned on.
Chase Edward Finch died in the fire on Aug. 4.
His death has been ruled an accident, and police say no charges will be filed.
Police say the baby was in his car seat and was placed on top of the stove to avoid a dog in the home. At some point, the control for the left rear burner was bumped into the on position, which ignited the car seat.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives determined the knob could have been bumped by either the placement of the car seat or gentle rocking of the seat. The ATF also determined the car seat obscured the burner and indicator lights.
Except people who actually read them."There's good and there's bad" really? No one would gather that reading your posts.
If you read both the prior posts and the last one, you may understand that the indian example was an argument against one of your 'real americans only do this' generalizations. YOU are the one who equated that with "jihadis" to misrepresent my position with a strawman argument.If you weren't trying to make some sort of moral equivalent argument as between our treatment of Indians and the activities of Jihadis, then why did you bring it up?
All of us are in constant danger? Fear monger much? Are they going to come and get us in the middle of the night? I better go buy a gun so I can protect myself!And unless and until they do, we (all of us) are in constant danger. How many more deaths will it take for you to get the message?
No one is talking about forced assimilation (talk about your strawmen!). However, when people immigrate to a country (any country) it's not unreasonable for those already there to expect them to make some effort to get with the program. And for generations our immigrants have done exactly that. And that includes the descendants of those who were brought here in chains.
You did and while I may be going a bit too far with your original statement, if you knew anything about history at all you would know that America has had a long history of forced assimilation through laws or social pressures. Why do you think ethnic neighborhoods popped up? And slaves had hardly any choice in taking up European traditions. If that wasn't forced assimilation to you, I have no clue what strange definition you are using, but it would explain a lot.But I do insist that they and folks from any other groups coming here adjust themselves to our culture and our way of doing things and not the other way 'round,.
Pro-life would claim Pro-choice is anti-life.And it's not unreasonable to expect them to live up to our prime directives: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
At least the administrators are taking responsibility![]()
Good news is they are very concerned about the kids in question getting a chance to resume their education.
That very text I quoted of you suggesting that they should adopt "our" culture is an implication that there is some universally held belief system for Americans.
Oh that's just not fair!!!!! We should change our whole culture, so they can feel more at home in the USA...The implication is that they shouldn't expect our laws to be transformed to mirror their theocracy, and that there are expectations for anyone wanting to be a citizen, such as showing your friggin face in an ID photo and not demanding paid time off to pray 5 times a day at work.
Watch some of the videos. It's sick.
I like the part where it says she's not sure who the father is because he also had sex with the uncle. All class.This one pretty much speaks for itself: