Slap Shot
I got nothing
Minnesota nice!
She needs an exorcism
Nice touch when she screams “macbeeeeth” like she’s cursing the theater
I admit I was not an English Major but...didn't Dickens write A Christmas Carol?
And did she yell only White People can perform Shakespeare?
Black Face Othello is the best Othello, just ask any MAGAt.
Black Face Othello is the best Othello, just ask any MAGAt.
So I assume they don't want women acting either since men cross dressed as women in Shakespeare's time...
That had to be a complete mindfuck during As You Like It.
OK, so there's a guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy who can't admit his (her) (his) love for a guy cuz he's (she's) (he's) actually in love with that guy who doesn't know he's a guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be I mean what?
Christopher Belter pleaded guilty to sexual attacks on four teenage girls. The attacks occurred at his family’s New York home when he was a student at an elite private school.
He faced up to eight years in prison. He received eight years’ probation.
“I’m not ashamed to say that I actually prayed over what is the appropriate sentence in this case because there was great pain,” the judge, Matthew J. Murphy III of Niagara, N.Y., County Court, said at Mr. Belter’s sentencing on Tuesday, according to WKBW, a local television station. “There was great harm. There were multiple crimes committed in the case.”
Still, the judge continued, “It seems to me that a sentence that involves incarceration or partial incarceration isn’t appropriate.” He told Mr. Belter, who must register as a sex offender, the probation would be “like a sword hanging” over his head for the next eight years. He offered no further explanation for why the sentence did not include prison time.
More no consequences for white males who commit horrible crimes.
Fuck this planet.
Well he’s got a bright future I’m sure, don’t want to ruin that
The Guthrie also addressed the content of the woman's vitriol, which delayed "Carol" for 30 minutes and caused some people to leave the theater. The woman objected to a Palestinian director staging "Carol," which she termed "a Christian play."
Guthrie is a playhouse here in the Twin Cities. This makes me positively sick to my stomach. This is almost as bad as what Kennedy did to the nominee in the Senate yesterday.