Re: NHL-CWHL affiliation on the horizon
Thank you for the kind words, Seymore! We really did have a great time. I thought it was neat that both teams came out for autograph and picture taking after the games, it wasn't just the home teams. The hockey fans who live in the GTA really have a great thing going there, and I sincerely hope they support this league. For the product that is being put on the ice, I don't think you can beat $5.00 a ticket, JMHO. As I said, if we lived in that area, I would be all over that $50 CWHL pass for all games. I will not mention the names here, but there were certain players who really helped Mrs 86 and I make a memory this past weekend, and wholeheartedly appreciated that we had driven up from Ohio to be part of this historic weekend in women's hockey. Mrs 86 is talking about another trip up there for more games and I am hopeful that another trip materializes.
I'm very happy that you enjoyed your weekend, and found the price of admission good value. That's terrific that the player participation made it extra special.
I do agree with Seymore (yes, miracles do happen everyday) that it is very nice to hear some positive feedback, when there is so much negative. Unfortunately, those of us in the GTA have witnessed so much of the past problems with the CWHL, that we have become quite jaded. It is good to get the perspective of outsiders to balance that.
I too went to one of the CWHL games this weekend. Though the quality is improved versus past years, I still can't say I was greatly impressed though, relative to also watching several PWHL and D1 teams in action recently.
The consolidation of CWHL teams in the GTA has definitely had a noticeable positive impact on the calibre of play, as does the return of the Olympians. However, the CWHL is still not a step up from these other leagues play-wise, which is a continued issue in drawing fans, as well as creating an elite image as a professional-type league. The problem is that watching PWHL is free...and the games between better teams are more exciting, better played from a team perspective, and arguably faster. You can also watch any number of Boys Jr A games in the GTA for $10, and the quality, competitiveness, and speed is night and day better.
It would appear to me that more consolidation in the CWHL may still be necessary. I suspect the Montreal and Boston teams, with more consolidation of talent will dominate the league, and make for less competitive/entertaining matches with GTA teams. I will say that there are a great many truly excellent players in the CWHL whose individual skill is fun to watch, though it appears many are just not in top playing shape, which is an issue too, if you expect significant gate revenues.
Unfortunately, the hullabaloo about the draft in evening up the GTA teams was a complete sham only to get attention, and proved pointless. The same players are essentially playing where they always did, and the teams remain unbalanced, as was expected. A large proportion of drafted players are not playing, and there are several players not participating in the draft at all who are now on one of these teams...or on a team different than they were drafted on--eroding management credibility further.
I am sad to say I am most disappointed in the continued mismanagement and disorganization of the CWHL, and the empty promises continually perpetuated by SJS et al, though I would have loved to have been proven wrong this go-round. I feel bad for the players and coaches who again bought into her latest hype, and signed on (some even moving from Europe!) with the expectation of pay and expenses....only to have it confirmed now that that none of that will happen unless more new sponsors are found this season. (If they failed to get sponsors over the summer, why would sponsors be interested in getting on-board mid-season?)
We walked into the arena to watch a CWHL game last weekend, and were amazed to find that the game was not even posted on the arena board...according to the board, the ice during that time period belonged to another organization. An official for one of the teams commented to me, in frustration, that they were supposed to have the ice at 11 AM, and was not available until 1/2 later. Was this because the OWHA/SJS forgot to book ice--and had to pull strings at the 11th hour to get it from another user? I suspect so. I wonder how many fans may have left, thinking the game was not being played there after all.
I was also surprised to see that both teams did not have complete matching uniforms. Perhaps you may think that a small thing, but this does not EVER happen on any rep teams in the Toronto area at any age or talent level: only house league and beer league hockey. The CWHL players were using a hodgepodge of pants, gloves, and helmets in starking differing colours from their college teams, despite the fact that it was announced during the game that Bauer is a sponsor. Did they forget to order their equipment on a timely basis too? Again, not the way to project a professional image of a quality product.
Most disturbingly, the problems in team organization remain even more basic, and again would not be tolerated in even a quality minor league association. These include no coaches on the bench of one for their league opener, only sporadic attendance of same to practice, and a lack of specificity on how and when the team would be traveling. I wonder too how many coaches might bail now that the promise of $10,000 salary has been reneged? Players are already disillusioned, realizing that not only were the grand expectations a complete fantasy, but that the reality in many respects is more mickey mouse than they would have experienced in their minor hockey days, much less college.
It is great that there was apparently an autograph session after the game, as Osualum indicated. Although I was in the building for the game, I was completely unaware of it. Why was it not advertised at the admission desk? Did I miss it on the loudspeaker during the game? So many opportunities to market the league are not being optimized.
I really do want to see this league succeed. It's just that the players deserve having those capable of making it succeed was actually running it. So my Christmas Wish is for some leadership for the CWHL. It's kind of funny (in a really pathetic kind of way), that now SJS having lost the last shreds of her credibility, is passing all the blame on BA and the OWHA, who never had any.