Oh gtfo here with that nonsense Chuck, you've seen or read the posts and i'm sure you must be embarassed by what a few of your brethren here have been posting about "MN Hockey history"... The only ones getting fired up were the ones vehemently opposed to any notion that Mariucci and the Gophs program had thee biggest impact on the sport in MN. And you know **** well thats when things got nasty.. Not once did a singkle Badger fan have the seeds to just say "you're right, my bad" or "I had no idea that Mooch and the Gophs were such and such" hell no that wouldn't happen.. Instead a bunch of back handed insults gets dished out to the Gopher fans that are in their very right to set the record straight..
I posted a Mariucci link from the HOF so the knuckleheads could actually **** about it.. But instead a bunch more backhanded insults... pffft..
As a prime example of "Chippy's hate" All over ESPN, all over PFT, pretty much any sports message board that talks about a Vikings Stadium is Packer fans comments so full of hate that they wish to see the franchise move... "Chippy" fits that mold, I couldn't care less if he says otherwise, that is the general opinion and behavior from a WI sports fan. If you'd like me to prove my point, I can very easily with a few links.. That same attitude transfers right over to this topic, "Chippy" would rather burn in hell b4 ever giving an once of respect to the Gopher program, his hate seeps through all his addolescent posts.. My 19yr old son was reading these threads the other day and laughed when he read thru it, he asked what this guys problem with Minnesota is... That obvious. Even Burd has the same assinine addolescent hate, he reminds me of a classic midwest cherry picker, "Packer fan, Twins fan and a Sioux fan", I'd almost put money on it...
Same deal as the 6>5 deal.. How typical, a WI sports fan that has counting to 13 down pat but refuses to count to 6. And you know **** well thats true, can count to 13 but flat out refuses to count to 6.. weak sauce and very typical