cool. good to see a Wausau kid do well in D1!
yeah, a few MN fans have been complimentary on the # of WI kids on the team as opposed to years past. that really shows more than anything how proud you guys are of local kids making good and local universities/coaching staffs nurturing that
...I remember when my dad took me to my first UW vs. Minnesota game it was 84 or 85 can't remember which. he got a program and immediately told me to turn to the roster pages's what he said paraphrasing as I looked at the MN roster kind of wide-eyed ..."look at that...EVERY kid from Minnesota, you won't see that in Indiana b-ball, and you won't see that in Texas Longhorn football, this is incredible."
It was just so cool to see something like that. no other team anywhere had the ability to field a team that way (locally only). UW at the time was about 6-7 Canadians, 6-7 Minnesotans and the rest from IL, MI, WI, all over.
the crowd had a way of separating the teams when I first started going. MN was the skating team, the finesse team. probably the fastest overall team in the league. Nodak were the bruising NHL types. at Jingles pre-game UW fans would say UW could play both styles (a touch of our own arrogance maybe?) depending on which team they played but back then UW was pretty **** loaded itself Tuttle/Ranheim/Richter/Mellanby et al