I thought the Mavs looked fine against Tech. So many PP chances that could have changed the outcome. Look fine just have to move the pick quicker on the PP and get Tech moving around more.
FloHockey won't load, either on Roku or the phone app. Others having the same problem?
Awfully frustrating as a Mav fan to see all those near misses...can't imagine what the players feel like. What, that's three games in a row where Mavs had pulled the goalie in the last minutes?I thought the Mavs looked fine against Tech. So many PP chances that could have changed the outcome. Look fine just have to move the pick quicker on the PP and get Tech moving around more.
good point double major Tech really was not an offensive threat and Mavs could have pulled Tracey earlier. hard to say its a tough decision and Strand knows what he is doing. hope for a different outcome tonight, I have noticed the Mavs are stronger the 2nd game on the road
keep telling myself that I absolutely would have taken being in a late title race last April.
I see it the same way.Me too. Before Christmas, I thought there was no way the Mavs would be in the title race at this point. Strand deserves a lot of credit for the second half turnaround.
Can't see anyone pulling out four wins over the next two weekends. Three out of four ought to do it... but who will get those three wins? Mavs have the best chance, IMO.
Speaking of a good second half, hats off to BG for their remarkable turnaround. They pulled themselves into contention after being DOA in the first half. Thinking coach Eigner might get Coach of the year award. It may depend on how his team finishes. Your thoughts?
Well, two points off first place with four games left. Need a sweep at home this weekend. Think it's going to come down to the last weekend in Bemidji, St Thomas is beyond banged up at this point and I just don't trust BG to ride their heater across the finish line. Should be fun, keep telling myself that I absolutely would have taken being in a late title race last April.
Game day, let's get six!
Side note, what the heck is going on with Bemidji's attendance? Have noticed that games I've tuned into looked sparse but looking at the ticketmaster maps 2/3 of the arena is still available for both games this weekend. Prices are $10-$30, too. Playing an in-state rival going for a conference championship. Wish I could make the trip but two kids that have been sick basically all February doesn't make for a great time to head on a weekend getaway.
When Ticketbastard fees end up basically doubling the price of the cheap and mid-range tickets, the people stay home. Hopefully there is a good walk up sale this weekend.
Side note, what the heck is going on with Bemidji's attendance? Have noticed that games I've tuned into looked sparse but looking at the ticketmaster maps 2/3 of the arena is still available for both games this weekend. Prices are $10-$30, too. Playing an in-state rival going for a conference championship. Wish I could make the trip but two kids that have been sick basically all February doesn't make for a great time to head on a weekend getaway.
Hasn't really been a good watch anyway. Consider yourself lucky