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Re: Michigan Tech 2012-13 Season II - Beware of Huskies in the Spoiler Role...
I tend to agree with Hn, I think we will see Phillips on friday and Genoe on saturday, with Genoe playing no matter what.
I think if we do indeed have the goaltending issues straight, we might be a handful for whomever we play, especially considering Hf's reverse juju. Who knows she might be in Jamaica now concocting some new voodoo doll with scott owens name on it and pins coming out the sides. Or maybe that would be curious george.
I also agree on the winning filling up the building, however I'd ad that once this happens, I think demand will be much higher than expected.
I tend to agree with Hn, I think we will see Phillips on friday and Genoe on saturday, with Genoe playing no matter what.
I think if we do indeed have the goaltending issues straight, we might be a handful for whomever we play, especially considering Hf's reverse juju. Who knows she might be in Jamaica now concocting some new voodoo doll with scott owens name on it and pins coming out the sides. Or maybe that would be curious george.
I also agree on the winning filling up the building, however I'd ad that once this happens, I think demand will be much higher than expected.