Re: Michigan Tech 2012-13 Season II - Beware of Huskies in the Spoiler Role...
Mel Pearson show summary 2-25, Billy Muckalt was in studio in place of Mel:
What do coaches do on an off-weekend/recruiting:
Typically both out recruiting/scouting, btoh assistants watching MN highschool games, 3 games on Saturday, Damon watched a few as well.
Use a software program, database for players, contact/advisor/parent/info stats are all in there
Going into a game, there's a list of players they want to identify and see if they're a good fit for Tech, watch their skating/speed/character, academics important as well
Need to look at needs and what coach is looking for
Dirk:we're going after some MN kids that in the past we didnt' think we could get or try to get - Muckalat: can't comment on previous coaching staffs, but we're trying tog et best student/athlete we can get, very impressed with level of play/talent in MN
Geography is close, 6 horu drive to TCities, putting our best foot forward in going after top kids in MN Elite League
Dirk: How often do you go to a game and find someone that wasn't on the radar? Muckalt: It happens more often than not, talent will draw your eye more often than not
Dirk: When you watch "John Smith", how much do his 20 shifts weigh in his chance to get an offer? Muckalt - if it's aplayer that's having a great year, you see him in person, you may known that he can play in the WCHA/fit in at Tech etc
Somtimes you need to see a player a few times
Dirk - Sum up what kind of player we're trying to get aside from being a good student. Muckalt: We want pace/speed, skill, compete/work hard. Not everyone will be 20/30 goal scorere, most ingrediants that go into being successful. Want high motor/energy to push each other.
Looking at those taht signed LOIs, how late will it be decided when they come to Tech? Muckalt: Big factor is how they're playing, want them over ready, coach plays freshmen, he always has, want them to get off on the right foot, have to be ready to play. Want dominate player in USHL/BCHL to then make the next step.
How would you grade yourself as far as progress as a recruiter? Muckalt: Learned a lot from Mel, work hard every day to get better. Damon and I are very passionate about it.
Favorite part of recruiting? Muckalt: Identify talent, such a huge part of the game is recruiting, more talent just helps coach work with.
Dirk: Dominoe effect, better recuits, win more, easier to get better recruits: MUckalt: Yes, seeing that in Britsh Columbia, fortuante to get JJ, Petan, Sweeney, those guys have had success here, helped to go back to BCHL with the track record.
On where we're at to this point:
Goaltending: We've got three very capable guys that have played well at times. When Pheonix is on he gives us a chance to win. He's got a calm poise.
Jamie Phillips: It's a proces, Jamie's shown a lot of improvement/growth. Working hard in practice. He'll push Pheonix.
Role of Genoe: Kevin's probably one of the best kids I've coached, his attitude is great, work ethic, team first guy.
On Forwards going into this season: Good group of forwards, we have depth. Like our Junior class Furne/Gordic/J. Johnstone, big boost for our club when they're scoring.
Freshmen/Sophmore playing big mins against other teams top lines that are older, that will be good as we move forward. Junior line, maybe wasn't getting the bounces earlier this year. THey working hard, scoring some goals.
CJ EIck - well liked by his teammates, kills penalties, speed is noticiable, he's worked hard to get rid of some habits, being left handed, low blocker is a good shot, CJ's figured that out and gotten 2 goals
On defense: we're better defensively than early in the season. defense starts from goal out, dmen and forwards blocking shot etc
Your toughest loss this year? UAA game, had them down, bad breaks/have to play the game the right way, want to get pucks in deep in certain situations/ didn't do that in 3rd period, tough game
Biggest win? GLI, winning it for coach was rewarding, they get a taste of why Coach is pushing for excellence
On crowds: The MN games, the win was a great atmosphere. Having the fans is like an extra attacker, having the place rocking/with the band, want it to be electric home ice.
We've been swept 5 times, any weekend where we deserved more? Eight 1 goal losses, getting a point here there, beat UAA sitting different in standings. What we can control is next 2 weeks and 1st round of playoffs.
Back in action this week @ SCSU:
SCSU alone in front, they're a good team
WCHA is close, everyone has about 8 points left, not sure who we'll play, it'll sort itself out
We'll be playing on the raod against a good hockey club, confident that if we can execute, goaltending/team defense, we can beat anybody
The big sheet, we've played well at different times this year, we've had some success on big sheets
When do you guys realize who will be going on a trip? Billy - defer to Mel, depends on the week, a lot of tough choices this year, a lot of guys have shown they can play,
Billy watched some of the UMN/SCSU game, impressed with SCSU's team speed, they have some young players having big years
On Walker Hyland:
we've been on him about conditioning/shape, he's adjusted to the speed of college hockey, he's put up some numbers of late, passes the puck well
Dirk - He's a little older, how does that make a different. Bill - It's huge, if you've played a lot of juniors it helps, there's somethign to be said about recruiting older players.
Will he be the guy on the power play next year? Bill - He's got potential to be, it's up to him, good question for coach. Offensively he's shown he can do some things. Seigo will be a big loss to our team.
Seigo, his foot speed is very good. Skating really well for us. He'll be a big loss.
Question for Muckalt:
It sounds like you like recruiting, would you like to be a head coach someday, or do you like your role right now?
Really like his role right now, being part of the husky family. Not focussed on anythign bigger right now, but enjoy being part of this team.
They discussed Muckalt's love of fishign to end the show. As always, Dirk asked for questions,
Final thoughts: Know we can beat anybody on a given night, just want to go in and find a way to get it done. Guys need to comne and execute the game plan, it'll give us every opportunity to win. You have to go out and earn it.
They could be the only team in WCHA we haven't ben in last 2 years, it's time. Tech hasn't won in there for awhile, time to change things.
How much weither are you putting on moving up in WCHA? Just win games, and see what happens. There's 2 weekend left, just win games and being healthy/ready to go for that 1st round.
Dirk: Announcment of scoreboard, that's pretty big news for Michigan Tech. Muckalt: Yeah our staff will like it, after a goal you can look up and alreayd have it disected instead of running in between periods.