Re: Maine thread (cont) - Hobey Abbott goes Dancing
I'm sure that Tim instructed his guys not to rise to the fly when MC pulled it's inevitable crap... And they did just that, but Bennedetto et al. didn't reward their restraint.
This game was actually called even more poorly than was last night's abortion. By any reasonable logic, there should never be a penalty and a dive called on the same incident... If you are tripped, you're tripped, and whether of not you go to the ice flailing your arms, or not, is meaningless. (And Abbott took that cheap ***** like man.)
So, I'll give Tim kudos for having his team ready for MC's BS, but I can't forgive him for not screeching like a banshee after the above happened, and after a couple of other awful calls... He nods affably while being screwed; I can't figure that out.
OK, anyway, great jump by Maine again tonight, a la Friday. This team does not have the hands of a vintage Bears squad, but they have better wheels than many of them, from top-to-bottom. They go balls-out from here on, they could go deep. (And yes, Sully has been the cornerstone of this entire resurgence.)