Re: Maine offseason part II...Countdown to slightly above the Mendoza line.
Interesting points, KIA, especially about what didn't get reported under Walsh and what gets reported under Whitehead. Times were different - non-reports of Mickey Mantle, JFK, media used to be willing to not report, today they love to report, people were different - UMaine Hockey good times, no great need to **** off Walsh.
So today they report.
Very separate from your wanting to call the reporter the bad guy, the alleged truth is that Diamond acted in a way that you lose credibility defending or diminishing. Is it worse than anything done by the old UMaine hockey guys? No, but at least they played good hockey. As Canadians like to call it, 'guilty hockey,' be stupid the night before a game but play a good game!
Stupid is stupid. Diamond is on his way to becoming a legend, if he plays/stays in Orono. I hope his antics earn him his teammates' respect and admiration and the upperclassmen now consider him a veteran.
But when everything, everything, goes terribly wrong under Whitehead, maybe, as it has been inferred by the occasional UMaine fan, maybe the coach is a big part of the problem and does have to go.
Larry ain't the problem.