Dont kid yourselves, the job is Guites. The 'search' is nothing very rigorous Id guess. Im starting to think the AD wont be the savior of hockey, as hoped, he cant change the system, oh maybe in ten years.
If you think back over the past two years or less, all the indications are there that hockey wont go in a new coach direction. Starting with KRalphs discusion about coaching salaries and how overall the budget was tight and that there were several good coaching staffs who weren't paid enough and should be considered for increases. The football coach who left (cant recall his name . ... lol), for all we know left over pay. Several of the ladies teams are doing well, why would the AD turn his back on them and look to bump up the salary of a newly hired hockey coach. Then there was the whole mystery around Reds status for next year, what in the world was going on there.
But having said all this, this is no reason not to do a thorough diligent search and I gotta believe a good prospect could be had for comparable pay to what Red received. Or Guite might rise up as the best coach available.
Then there's the U's unwritten policies - someone from the glory days is always preferred because they know it will never happen again, just ride the good old days for all they can. They are always forgiving and sometimes overly supportive of coaches, makes up for things in hopes of keeping everyone happy and in place. This to me is the biggest reason why Guite stays. If they disrupt the black bear family by not allowing him to stay on then do they lose this cozy culture and other good coaches start looking around for greener grass?
If Guite gets the job, I wont be impressed but will support him for a while, long enough anyway to see what he is capable of.