Whatever just keep blaming everyone else, you people are good at that. You are way off base and keep blaming former great players and their parents on the early playoff exits, lower division finishes, attendance in the 1000's, playoff crowds in the hundreds, second half collapses, every team in the league getting better while your little college is stuck in the same predicament every single year, players disappearing off rosters, berating of officials who are police officers, and the list goes on.
Keep up the excuses up there, it is very entertaining to see the lengths you people go to to keep this man and administration in power. Good thing for the good ole boy network up in your little village.
The Truth Is Out There.....
If that is true LSSU is lucky to have a coach. I believe there are some AAA coaches that make almost that much.
When the future of the sport was chewed up and spit out last summer, several folks around Mankato were upset that the Mavericks would be trading their intraleague rivalries against North Dakota, Minnesota and St. Cloud State for Bowling Green, Lake Superior State and Ferris State.
“Who is Ferris State?” one person demanded.
I have never been a huge Roque fan, in fact I wrote a letter after last season to AD Dunbar asking for his dismissal...However I am certainly backing off of sentiments to kick him out the door in light of the embarrassingly low amount of money he makes....Has Roque done an adequate job thus far with the Lakers? absolutely not however in the last 2-3 years he does seem to be making some noticeable strides in recruiting, the talent on the Laker rosters the past couple of seasons I feel is undoubtedly higher in quality than most of any of Roque's previous teams....Obviously there is ample room to Improve, as Bill and others have mentioned, the Lakers havent had a top level talented bona fide stud at center in quite some time....truthfully at the stage of the game I don't see us getting one....we would have a better bet hoping to get two above average scoring centers who can be depended upon for 15 goals a year a la Rick Schofield in the same class to have a line 1 and line 1A situation.
As far as the coaching situation goes there's no way we would find a coach worth hiring for that 80k salary....The lakers usually play about 20 home games per year, with some dates drawing much better than others. I realize a bulk of the attendance at any home game is non ticket buying students, however I believe it is safe to say that the Lakers average at least 1,000 tickets sold per home game, or 20,000 single tickets per season...if the school increased the price of every ticket a measly 2 dollars that would create $40,000 dollars of extra revenue, if all of that went to the coaches salary that would put it in the $120k range, which likely would draw quite a few more serious and qualified candidates next time there was a coaching search.....it doesn't solve the problem of the coach having to do multiple jobs that other big time coaches don't have to do but at least they will be paid more competitively to do the work....and an extra 2 dollars per ticket won't send anyone to the poor house.
Speaking of the difference between a coaches experience at a big time program versus a small time program, a friend and I were recently speaking about coaches like Comley and JJ who got their start at small schools and led them to great success only to eventually leave for the big money programs....I know both have been successful at the big programs they took over but I have to wonder if knowing what they know now if they would have made the same decisions....Comley retired from a situation at State in which it was obvious both sides were ready to put behind them, only a handful of years after a national title.....Jackson has taken ND to new heights but seems to be having issues and losing fan support over dealing with high profile player issues which are undoubtedly fueled in part by being at a nationally followed school and dealing with top tier,some would say "prima donna" talent......At NMU for Comley and LSSU for JJ, both may have had to do a little more leg work and odd jobs here and there, and weren't blessed with Humongous facilities and budgets to wave in front of blue chip recruits but they were given the luxury of not having to answer to big time boosters, the program was basically theirs alone to completely mold, they also got to do this in smaller market where's there wasn't such a high profile media presence make a huge story out of player problems, etc and they still had the luxury of playing in "hockey towns".......Let me be clear in saying that I am not suggesting that these men would come right out and say that they ever made mistakes in leaving or anything like that but I do believe In their heart of hearts had both men known how green the grass turned out to be on the big time side of the fence they may have taken a little bit longer to re- think their moves to jump ship, even with the many disadvantages NMU and LSSU have against them
I have had season tickets for about 20 years. If the ticket prices increased by $2, I would cancel mine.
Also, I doubt Jackson or Comley have any regrets about moving up to a bigger and better program. That's what most coaches strive for...to win at the highest level. Of course, we can't know for sure what would have happened to either man if they stayed at their smaller school. Perhaps things would have turned sour and they would have regretted not moving on when they had the chance.
Don't forget that along with a competitive head coach salary, you're going to need competitive full time assistant salaries as well. Take that $40K you're asking for and double it. Now you're in the ball park. A boost in recruiting budget would also help to attract a higher level coach.
Jackson didn't move to a better program -- he took over the brand-new National develpoment program (took Silver in the world juniors), then he took over Guelph (made it to the final round of the Memorial Cup as the host team), and was an assistant with the Islanders. After the strike, he was hired by Notre Dame. I distinctly recall his rationale for leaving LSSU was the NCAA, NOT LSSU's leadership or the money. He was frustrated with the NCAA rules (I recall an interview after he stepped down, saying the NCAA rules were absurd -- citing an example about one day, leaving the rink, there was a nasty blizzard. Three of his players had stayed late for an extra work out, and they didn't have a car. Jackson was unable under NCAA rules to give these kids a ride down to their townhouse. And I distinctly recall him commenting on the absurd nature of the NCAA's draconian rules, and how the NCAA treats hockey poorly, and how the NCAA doesn't seek input from hockey coaches in making its rules, and how the NCAA was dominated, in his words, by "Minnesota guys who are at war with Canada." Also the now famous Jackson line about the "narrow minded Minnesota hockey mafia." I do not recall any arguments, disagreements, or complaints about $$$.
And a $2 increase in ticket prices would result in an extra $2, per seat, for 16 games -- and whopping 32 bucks. Absurdly cheap. I would pay it without a complaint.
As for LSSU's funding -- there are lots of excellent fund raising efforts underway right now. I hear people talking about the program and the money as if the school and the athletics department are doing nothing. AS if there are no plans to raise more money and no recognition as ot the need for more money. This is false. All of you pick up the Laker Log and you will see a steady stream of well-planned fund raising opportunities in which to partake.
Feel free to pursue and donate appropriately: http://www.lssu.edu/foundation/
I know the internet is a lovely place to complain without consequences. I am a prime offender, waffling between "cool reason" and "snarky trolling." I get that. But the hand wringing and fear-mongering about the program gets to be too much. Every program needs money. LSSU has lots of opportunities for all of us in the Laker family to step up to the plate.
This leads to one of my most frustrating thoughts regarding my beloved LSSU: too many alumni get swallowed up in the maize and green down state, and simply forget to continue to support their school -- or won't support their school. I have to tell you: the Eastern UP is not a wealthy community. And while the local fans and alumni are giving far more than you probably realize, this program won't work without the entire alumni family pulling together.
Here, I'll post the web site again: http://www.lssu.edu/foundation/
Easy to find. Easy to read. Easy to give. Easy to support your school. Here is a simple dare: before anyone complains about Roque's salary and the hockey program's funding -- make sure you donate $25.00 (once again, easily done at http://www.lssu.edu/foundation/
Donate a quick $25.00, then proceed to complain about the budget.
Donate $25.00 and then proceed to complain about the attendance.
Donate $25.00 and then proceed to complain about recruiting travel issues.
And HEY -- guess what? If you give $25.00 between now and December, 2013 -- that gift will be matched dollar for dollar by an anaymous donor under the LSSU Hockey Challenge. https://www.lssu.edu/foundation/fund/challenge.php
So you can give $25.00, complain, and know that you actually just gave $50.00.
I am not suggesting you pay for your right to complain. I am merely saying that if you put your money where your heart and mouth are, the school would really benefit. And maybe -- JUST MAYBE -- if enough of the alumni family pulls together in these small ways, MAYBE we won't have to complain about the budget.
Just sayin . . .
No we don't know all the recruits for next season yet. The coaches were looking for 1 more D and possibly 1 more forward (if they could find one cheaply). With Trotman leaving, they now will likely be looking for 2 more D. There are 5 D coming back if we count Wees, who they were thinking about converting to a forward. We have 1 D commitment so far (Drapluk). If they only get 1 more D, you can argue that is enough since that would bring the total up to 7, but Roque has said that he likes to have 8 D, so they may very well bring in 2 more. If they can't find 2 good ones, I'm fine with only bringing in 1, but that's just my opinion. I don't see any point in bringing in another forward. We only lose Cassiani and have 1 replacement commitment (Johnson). If they can find a late sleeper (with a lot of potential) who everyone else has missed, OK, but I don't think there is really a need for another forward.Just thought I would turn the discussion to committments. Do we know all of the recruits yet. If not mistaken I didn't see any from the USHL, and only a couple from the NAHL. Also I would like to note that several of TC players are headed to other CCHA teams...seems interesting and if I read right none to LSSU. I know about budgets but also I believe good recruiting can change a few minds over a couple of scholarship dollars. Might be interesting to ask the coach after all the Junior tournaments which LSSU scouted, I understand not discussing to early. Also seems to me there is some worthy talent going to be displayed at the Dudley cup. Does the NCAA allow for volunteer or part time scouts? One good thing about the Eagles going to the NAHL is that all that talent will be coming through the Soo hopefully we watch every game.
Just thought I would turn the discussion to committments. Do we know all of the recruits yet. If not mistaken I didn't see any from the USHL, and only a couple from the NAHL. Also I would like to note that several of TC players are headed to other CCHA teams...seems interesting and if I read right none to LSSU. I know about budgets but also I believe good recruiting can change a few minds over a couple of scholarship dollars. Might be interesting to ask the coach after all the Junior tournaments which LSSU scouted, I understand not discussing to early. Also seems to me there is some worthy talent going to be displayed at the Dudley cup. Does the NCAA allow for volunteer or part time scouts? One good thing about the Eagles going to the NAHL is that all that talent will be coming through the Soo hopefully we watch every game.
I have had season tickets for about 20 years. If the ticket prices increased by $2, I would cancel mine.
Also, I doubt Jackson or Comley have any regrets about moving up to a bigger and better program. That's what most coaches strive for...to win at the highest level. Of course, we can't know for sure what would have happened to either man if they stayed at their smaller school. Perhaps things would have turned sour and they would have regretted not moving on when they had the chance.
$40 more dollars would make you cancel your tickets even if it meant helping to lure in a legit coach?
I was aware that Jackson made those other moves prior to going to Notre Dame, I suppose I didn't make that very clear, I was talking about him making "the jump" in terms of the vacuum of his NCAA coaching career....That when he made the return to college he chose to do it at one of the most, if not the most, high profile universities in this country...even though their hockey program held little responsibility in bolstering the school to such a level of acclaim....
But I agree, while money may not have played a role in Jackson leaving -- money may have certainly played a role in him not coming back.