Re: LSSU Hockey 2012-2013
I assume I know who he is, as do most other people herein. Actual knowledge is lacking, a fundementally fun part of random internet blithering and blathering. I still don't actually care. But thanks for the review.
The point?
If the point is: Stop responding to anti-LSSU, likely-disgruntled and unhappy souls who only want to see LSSU fail because of some insult -- either real or imagined? OK -- fair play. Valid point.
If the point is: Stop saying mean things about people who left Sault Ste. Marie years ago? Well . . . again the fan's right allows us to be critical of a professional's performance. We are free to be critical of the current adminstration and coaching staff, and we are equally free to be critical of the past coaches. And frankly, I am waiting for some sort of allegedly in-the-now, current, deep discussion of the state of LSSU hockey. Generally we get bland platitudes about the coach not being good enough, or the school not having enough money, or the doom and gloom future of college hockey in SSM.
I mentioned this randomly before: If you have a complaint about LSSU's hockey program, start your own little complaint jar. For every negative thing you haev to say about the current condition of LSSU hockey -- facilities, recruiting budget, coaching budget, ticket prices, anything like that: Send $20.00 to the LSSU Hockey Challange. Its a matching fund, so really your complaint is worth $40 to the program. Put your money where your mouth is.
If all you want to do is complain that the current coach isn't Frank . . . or Joe Shawan . . . or Jeff Jackson . . . or Scotty Bowman . . . explain why this bothers you. Feel free. Tell me about the forecheck system, and how Roque can improve that (in your opinion). Tell me about how to better mix the lines to improve chemistry. Tell me about the break-out, and how that can be better. Tell me about the many amazing recruits that you, yourself, would have easily found that Roque overlooked.
If you want to come on and tell us how great Frank Anzalone was, great. I agree. LSSU hockey would possibly not even exist without Frank. But don't try to sell my dog-doo in a sparkly baggy by telling me that Frank did a good job in his last tenure. He didn't. If you want to have a detailed discussion about how Scott Borek was not given the support he needed, or how Jackson knew the days on top were numbered and ran out of town -- great. We've had that discussion before, but you know I always hear something new and interesting when we talk about it again.
Its August.
There isn't a single LSSU player on the ice at the Norris.
Nothing wrong with idle chatter.
Want to talk about next year?
OK -- line predictions? Will Roque open up the forecheck and send in two low with one high, instead of the otehr way around? Is Roque confident in his 3rd and 4th line enough to give them an extra shift?
Really? Just so you know, this was a response to a comment made by Truth Squad. Seems to me you were pretty sure at this point who "Truthy" was.
I assume I know who he is, as do most other people herein. Actual knowledge is lacking, a fundementally fun part of random internet blithering and blathering. I still don't actually care. But thanks for the review.
The point?
If the point is: Stop responding to anti-LSSU, likely-disgruntled and unhappy souls who only want to see LSSU fail because of some insult -- either real or imagined? OK -- fair play. Valid point.
If the point is: Stop saying mean things about people who left Sault Ste. Marie years ago? Well . . . again the fan's right allows us to be critical of a professional's performance. We are free to be critical of the current adminstration and coaching staff, and we are equally free to be critical of the past coaches. And frankly, I am waiting for some sort of allegedly in-the-now, current, deep discussion of the state of LSSU hockey. Generally we get bland platitudes about the coach not being good enough, or the school not having enough money, or the doom and gloom future of college hockey in SSM.
I mentioned this randomly before: If you have a complaint about LSSU's hockey program, start your own little complaint jar. For every negative thing you haev to say about the current condition of LSSU hockey -- facilities, recruiting budget, coaching budget, ticket prices, anything like that: Send $20.00 to the LSSU Hockey Challange. Its a matching fund, so really your complaint is worth $40 to the program. Put your money where your mouth is.
If all you want to do is complain that the current coach isn't Frank . . . or Joe Shawan . . . or Jeff Jackson . . . or Scotty Bowman . . . explain why this bothers you. Feel free. Tell me about the forecheck system, and how Roque can improve that (in your opinion). Tell me about how to better mix the lines to improve chemistry. Tell me about the break-out, and how that can be better. Tell me about the many amazing recruits that you, yourself, would have easily found that Roque overlooked.
If you want to come on and tell us how great Frank Anzalone was, great. I agree. LSSU hockey would possibly not even exist without Frank. But don't try to sell my dog-doo in a sparkly baggy by telling me that Frank did a good job in his last tenure. He didn't. If you want to have a detailed discussion about how Scott Borek was not given the support he needed, or how Jackson knew the days on top were numbered and ran out of town -- great. We've had that discussion before, but you know I always hear something new and interesting when we talk about it again.
Its August.
There isn't a single LSSU player on the ice at the Norris.
Nothing wrong with idle chatter.
Want to talk about next year?
OK -- line predictions? Will Roque open up the forecheck and send in two low with one high, instead of the otehr way around? Is Roque confident in his 3rd and 4th line enough to give them an extra shift?