the black lssu choppers are over his house right now.
And really, how clever do you have to be? Oh, yes, that is some deep insight: Lssu has a struggling hockey program. My goodness, did somebody come up with that all on their own??? What's next? What wisdom might flow forth from the fountain in the likely forthcoming postings? Lets see? Let me guess -- because certainly the truth squad is spreading truth which is, allegedly, out there and not otherwise being discussed.
Hmmm. Perhaps he'll tell us that the sault is a blue-collar town, where unemployment is a problem. Whitefish bay is filled with cold water. Perhaps he'll tell us, because we obviously don't know, that the sault is not paris, france? Perhaps he can tell us that lssu is the smallest state school in michigan -- because that would be shocking to hear. Perhaps he'll tell us all how the lakers have not made the ncaa tourney since jeff jackson left -- because obviously we don't know that. Perhaps he can enlighten us on the fact that the lakers are drawing approximately 2,200 people a game this season -- because those stats are not readily available and since its not obviously published in every third posting by lssu supporters on this web page, we must "just not know" and thankfully we have a person of insight and knowledge to share this hidden and secret information.
Perhaps the little nipper will tell us the truth about grass being green, the sky being blue, and that 1+1=2. I mean, why not. Wow -- really -- the sault is a rough looking town? Who knew? Thats amazing! I was looking for the louvre the other day -- and i was wondering why it wasn't located in sault ste. Marie michigan. Maybe its over in ontario? Darn it! I wish somebody (truthy, i'm looking at you, because you have the answers) would have told me this! I feel like humphrey bogart in casablanca: "i came here for the waters." "what waters? Casablanca is in the desert!" "i was misinformed."
if only i had known this valuable information beforehand!
I mean, wow! I am shocked, shocked (another casablanca reference . . . I'm on a roll) to hear that there might be an old boys network in organized sports! What? Why i've never heard of anything so amazing! Really? Old hockey buddies stick together? No! Say it isn't so? That can only happen in a place like the soo, right? Please tell me this is an isolated incident. Athletic people don't make friends, and keep friends, throughout their life! I just can't believe it! Well -- heck -- i guess its true. The truth is out there.
But what is more shocking -- and i am shocked, just shocked -- to learn that the current lssu administration is actually standing behind their employees (including their coaches) and not threatening them for their poor performance! I've never heard of anything like that! Because clearly, the ad and the president should be quoted early and often in the papers accusing the head hockey coach of total and complete failure. I am so glad a poster like mr. Truth is here to point out this problem. I mean, i get it now -- the ad should be chopping off the legs of her coaches and stabbing them in the back and, clearly, her job -- and the job of the alumni, students, professors, and soo residents -- is to spew as much hate and bile and bitterness at the coach, as often as possible. What is that silly broad dunbar thinking? Absurd. She should be stabbing roque in the back daily! Doesn't she get it? Well darn it -- consider me convinced now! Truth squad proved to me the error of my ways so clearly.
And then today, you know what? He did it again. Dog-gone-it if that little shaver just doesn't have the market cornered on insider information. We are told that there will be a small crowd at the playoff game tonight. And even if the lakers win, they face a tough next round test. Wow! Seeing as how the lakers haven't advanced to the joe since the clinton administration, some people might say that is not much of a prediction. But they are soooooo wrong. Truth squad gets it. He can see it so clearly. Its not just that the lakers face a tough test in the second round (if they get there), its -- and hold you hats and prepare to have your minds friggin blown -- its this: "the lakers face a tough test in the second round (if they get there)."
yeah -- thats what i thought, suckers. Yeah -- truth squad brought the truth, slammed the truth on your head, and dared you -- dared you fools and players -- to look the other way. You know what? You can't! You can't argue with that argument, baby. You can't fight that kind of truth. Face. Deal.
I mean, instead of being angry with truth, perhaps we should all learn to stop fearing, and maybe learn to love the truth. I see the light, brothers.
Now, i am going to tell you all this straight up: If he can somehow prove that sault ste. Marie is located north of the mackinac bridge, well . . . Oh man . . . Nobody is that clever. I have heard rumors from some "earth is round" quacks that say the soo is north of the bridge. But i'm not sure that level of truth is actually out there. But you know what? I wouldn't put it past him. That is once smart mfer.