Re: LOST Season 6 -- All Good Things Must Come To An End
That was a great episode- I very much agree.
Now we are seeing some more signs that the alternate future is beign tied back to the crash future. Very interesting.
Although, one thing I'd like to point out- in terms of a time line, you'll note that the Charlie/Desmond thing underwater took place about a month after the plane crashed, wereas the car crash was just a day or so after when the crash would happen. Interesting that the alternate times are not lining up....
Still, noting that Desmond had the power of seeing alternate times, and noting how things can turn out, it was quite interesting. To us, it brought up the question from Whidmore's point- he keeps claiming that nothing will be (something)- does it mean that if fLocke gets off the island that everyone will be killed OR does it mean that if fLocke gets out, then reality as we know it will be altered quite a bit.
Also- it's pretty clear that both Charles and Elowise (sp?) know something is up- and are trying to manipulate Desmond in particular to do something- which is why he's in Charle's good graces, and why she didn't explode when Charlie wasn't brought to the party. And she also mentioned that Desmond was not ready to know who Penny was or why he started seeing things.
Which was a reminder that Both Whidmore and Hawkings WERE on the island in the 50's, since the island existed up until 1977.
It was also cool to see Daniel have his alternate flash, too- very interesting how different some of the lives are.
And wasn't Desmond's sailing trip around the world sponored by one of those two? they have known something all along, and knew he would end up on the island.
(And it was very nice to see Penny, too....

Lots of stuff to see and miss in this show. (like the 50 year old scotch that would have been "born" roughly the time that Whidmore was on the island as an Army guy, anyone catch the label on that one????)
Looks like we get to see Michael next week. Appears to be a Hurley show.